Coffee plantation workers barely exist on a couple of dollars a day. Once the coffee beans are on a ship, traders earn tens and hundreds of thousands, for doing practically nothing. Companies like Starbucks make huge profits from coffee, and they seem to pay hardly any tax.
If they even paid coffee plantation workers five dollars an hour, their families would not live close to starvation levels, and their children could go to school and not have to work. I call this slavery, and they don’t even need people with whips to keep their downtrodden workers in line.
Seems to me that there is a huge chain of people working in the coffee business.
The plants have to be planted and cultivated.
And they have to know which variety of bean to plant. They are all different. Their final product tastes different. Some varieties sell for higher prices than others.
Then the beans are harvested. But only at the correct time of the growing cycle.
So somebody has to be knowledgeable about when to pick which beans, since they are not totally uniform.
Then somebody has to grade the beans.
Eventually, the beans are shipped.
And they they get sorted again.
And then somebody has to roast the beans and know how much to roast them.
And finally, somebody has to brew up a cup of coffee.
And some skills are worth more than other skills. So some skills pay more because the skills are rarer.
And if you make a profit along the way, then you have to decide what to do with the profit.
Where do you invest your profit if your costs are less than your selling price.
And if you study and are an expert in investments, then you can sell your services to other people who have some profits to invest.
Here is one way to do it: