Is Capitalism God-Ordained?

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Plus, buying stock is not necessarily putting capital into a company in order to build something. Unless you buy from the company in an IPO or when the company issues shares, you are just gambling that you will be able to find someone else that will pay you more than you paid or that the company will pay dividends. Since many companies don’t pay dividends, you are gambling that you will find a buyer.

For the most part, owning stock of a company on the NY exchange or NASDEX does not mean that you have put up capital to build a business. It means you want to own what others have built, not what you have helped build.
What difference does it make how the corporation uses your money? If you own a part of it, you are supporting it. Putting your money entails risks. Some risks are low and others are higher. It makes more sense to buy stock than to waste it on the lottery in which the odds are much worse than in a casino. 99.999999% of lottery tickets are a total waste. Why not buy stock with it? At least the odds of coming out ahead are considerably better.
What difference does it make how the corporation uses your money? If you own a part of it, you are supporting it. Putting your money entails risks. Some risks are low and others are higher. It makes more sense to buy stock than to waste it on the lottery in which the odds are much worse than in a casino. 99.999999% of lottery tickets are a total waste. Why not buy stock with it? At least the odds of coming out ahead are considerably better.
You aren’t supporting the company. It doesn’t get to use any of the money you paid when you bought the shares from the previous shareholder.

Think of it like going to an antique store and buying a painting. The artist gets no financial benefit. The store owner makes money because they sell it for more than they paid for it. But the artist doesn’t make money from that sale, only from the original sale.
You aren’t supporting the company. It doesn’t get to use any of the money you paid when you bought the shares from the previous shareholder.

Think of it like going to an antique store and buying a painting. The artist gets no financial benefit. The store owner makes money because they sell it for more than they paid for it. But the artist doesn’t make money from that sale, only from the original sale.
That all depends on the terms of ownership. A movie, once made, is entitled to royalties on the original product. Every time a song is performed, somebody makes money off it.

Why not? You seem to think that the money will disappear when the company uses it. If that is the case, the stock will become worthless. The money in the IPO is put into the corporations capital fund to use at it sees fit. That money is still there as long as the company makes a profit no matter how many times the original stock is traded. If the value of the share is no longer owned by the previous shareholder, that money is transferred from the previous stockholder to me as the new stockholder. If the company pays dividends, I get the benefit, not the previous owner. If the market value of the stock increases and I sell, I make the profit, not the previous owner. He terminated any benefits from the company when he sold his share.
Some things in your self interest can be greed and some things are not greed. If I buy a house with zero down payment intending to walk away if the house goes down in value, then that in my opinion is greed.
No. Self Interest is not remotely greed.

Your real estate deal is not greed. It is possibly a very good deal…for you. Essentially you would be “renting” the house with the hope of appreciation. You really don’t gain anything. Can’t possibly be greedy.
I never claimed this was greed, so I don’t know what your point is.
Just an example of Self-Interest. In case you were unaware.
Of course I never claimed that there was anything wrong with self interest, so once again, what is your point? I am not sure that you really understand the nuances of economics well, it might be helpful for you to learn a little more economics.
Oh come on…at my age I really can’t go back to school for another degree in Econ. Bear with me.

I know you never claimed that there was anything wrong with self interest. In fact you never mentioned it. Like I said …socialists, statists, and anti-Capitalists confuse self-interest with greed. I just wanted to make sure you knew the difference.
In other words, true capitalism never really existed anywhere. It is kind of like the marxists who claim that marxism was never implemented correctly.
I would think that would be obvious…if you read any of my previous posts.

But just for my interest…let me ask

If True Capitalism and True marxism existed, which would you honestly prefer?
I would think that would be obvious…if you read any of my previous posts.

But just for my interest…let me ask

If True Capitalism and True marxism existed, which would you honestly prefer?
Which do you think I would prefer? I mean really, is there anything in what I have ever posted on these forums that suggests that I am remotely close to being a marxist?
:rotfl: Sure the poor can own stock if they have any disposable income left after trying to merely survive with food, shelter, medical needs and other essentials. For your average poor person I’d safely say stock is probably not on top of such a list. Jesus didn’t say hey poor person go buy some stock and all of your troubles shall cease. And not many stockholders actually sit in the board rooms where corporate decisions are made. A thread where it is said the poor can just go out and buy stocks is not a serious thread to me. So I shall leave it at that.
A person can budget his/her expenses to fit their income. Rather than paying several hundred dollars a month for a smart phone and/or Cable TV, or indulging in anything not needed to live conservatively, it pays to be frugal and put that money into a quality mutual fund. Instead of opting to have more children, which can be a heavy drain on your budget, put money down on income property. There are thousands of mutual funds available, many very conservative in their investment goals. I’ve had money in Nicholas Fund for over thirty years and averaged at least 10% per year return on my money. American Century, T. Rowe Price, Fidelity, Vanguard, PIMCO are excellent companies. Be a builder of wealth rather than a consumer.
Plus, buying stock is not necessarily putting capital into a company in order to build something. Unless you buy from the company in an IPO or when the company issues shares, you are just gambling that you will be able to find someone else that will pay you more than you paid or that the company will pay dividends. Since many companies don’t pay dividends, you are gambling that you will find a buyer.

For the most part, owning stock of a company on the NY exchange or NASDEX does not mean that you have put up capital to build a business. It means you want to own what others have built, not what you have helped build.
You are correct, Sally. When you buy a stock from a broker your money does not go to the company you have invested in.

But that is why the Stock Market exists. It allows the initial investor to sell his shares to make a profit. This is a very good thing.

Investors can buy stocks directly from companies after the IPO. Many companies will sell additional shares directly to investors (if they hold a minimum number of shares) and also to employees as a profit sharing benefit.

There is a big difference between gambling and investing. When a person says that they are both gambling…that is an indication to me that this person knows nothing about investing or the stock market.
No. Self Interest is not remotely greed.
So you are saying that self interest is never greed? For example, if I sell you my car but neglect to tell you that the engine will go in 100 miles and go to lengths to suggest the opposite, you are saying that would not be greed?
Your real estate deal is not greed. It is possibly a very good deal…for you. Essentially you would be “renting” the house with the hope of appreciation. You really don’t gain anything. Can’t possibly be greedy.
I would suggest that the Church would look at it differently.
The wicked one borrows but does not repay
Just an example of Self-Interest. In case you were unaware.
I am well aware of self interest. I teach about self interest every day.
Oh come on…at my age I really can’t go back to school for another degree in Econ. Bear with me.
There are many ways of learning economics besides going for a degree. Who wrote the principles text you used?
I know you never claimed that there was anything wrong with self interest. In fact you never mentioned it. Like I said …socialists, statists, and anti-Capitalists confuse self-interest with greed. I just wanted to make sure you knew the difference.
There is nothing that I have written that ever suggests that I don’t know the difference between self interest and greed.
Definition of Greed:
greed (grd)
An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth: “Many . . . attach to competition the stigma of selfish greed” (Henry Fawcett).
[Back-formation from greedy.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
greed (ɡriːd)
  1. excessive consumption of or desire for food; gluttony
  2. excessive desire, as for wealth or power
    [C17: back formation from greedy]
    ˈgreedless adj
    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
    greed (grid)
excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions; avarice; covetousness.
[1600–10; back formation from greedy]
greed′less, adj.
greed′some, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

(My) avarice cooled like lust in the chill grave —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Avarice is like a graveyard; it takes all that it can get and gives nothing back —Josh Billings
Which do you think I would prefer? I mean really, is there anything in what I have ever posted on these forums that suggests that I am remotely close to being a marxist?
That’s not the answer I was hoping for. A simple Capitalism or marxism would have been fine.

I’m sorry my question offended you.

But to answer yours…

Based on your arguments, comments, and misunderstandings, I would have to say that you sure don’t seem to be pro-Capitalist.
That’s not the answer I was hoping for. A simple Capitalism or marxism would have been fine.

I’m sorry my question offended you.

But to answer yours…

Based on your arguments, comments, and misunderstandings, I would have to say that you sure don’t seem to be pro-Capitalist.
In what way am I not pro-capitalist?
So you are saying that self interest is never greed? For example, if I sell you my car but neglect to tell you that the engine will go in 100 miles and go to lengths to suggest the opposite, you are saying that would not be greed?
That is fraud, lying and cheating.

If you consider that greed…you need to go back to school.
I would suggest that the Church would look at it differently.
The Church and I look at a lot of things differently…what is specific about this one?
I am well aware of self interest. I teach about self interest every day.
After reading your idea of greed above…I worry about your students.
There are many ways of learning economics besides going for a degree. Who wrote the principles text you used?
You want a list of books I have read…??? That would take up too much band-width.

To help you along, since you teach about self interest, I would recommend The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

Then, if you are teaching kids, they will love *The Voyage of the Dawn Treader * one of the seven books in The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. That will give you a great picture of greed vs. self interest.

*Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth * by Ludwig von Mises

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, by Ayn Rand

And, my favorite

How Capitalism Saved America: The Untold History of Our Country, from the Pilgrims to the Present by Thomas DiLorenzo
There is nothing that I have written that ever suggests that I don’t know the difference between self interest and greed.
Up to now…yes. We just started discussing it yesterday. I don’t think it came up before.
But based on what you have been saying today…I have my doubts.
A person can budget his/her expenses to fit their income. Rather than paying several hundred dollars a month for a smart phone and/or Cable TV, or indulging in anything not needed to live conservatively, it pays to be frugal and put that money into a quality mutual fund. Instead of opting to have more children, which can be a heavy drain on your budget, put money down on income property. There are thousands of mutual funds available, many very conservative in their investment goals. I’ve had money in Nicholas Fund for over thirty years and averaged at least 10% per year return on my money. American Century, T. Rowe Price, Fidelity, Vanguard, PIMCO are excellent companies. Be a builder of wealth rather than a consumer.
You have evinced a horrible stereotype here and there are several misunderstandings you have about poor folks. Do you think they wantonly reproduce? Should they postpone their lives, to hand over the little bit of money they have to slumlord stock brokers who will effectively churn their accounts and take it for themselves? I would say keeping a cell phone and a TV is essential-- if a poor person did not pay for them, you would think it showed lack of ambition to “rise” e.g. not staying in communications, not watching the news…

Which brings me to the point about “poor” (I say simple) people, that you would not =be able to fathom. Most of them do not aspire to material affluence, but they are spiritually affluent. Most have little desire to have extra money, to make little piles with like Silas Marner… They just enjoy life,
That is fraud, lying and cheating.

If you consider that greed…you need to go back to school.
At the heart of fraud, is greed. At the heart of cheating, is greed.

The goal of all capitalists is to accumulate a surplus. Really, you could call chiseling a contractor on price (when you know you are already hiring him) a form of greed. Good business, yes… but inherently greedy. Capitalism is inherently about who can be the greediest. Those are your top dogs. If you can’t see the dichotomy between being a good capitalist and being an ethical person, you have your head in the sand.
You have evinced a horrible stereotype here and there are several misunderstandings you have about poor folks. Do you think they wantonly reproduce? Should they postpone their lives, to hand over the little bit of money they have to slumlord stock brokers who will effectively churn their accounts and take it for themselves? I would say keeping a cell phone and a TV is essential-- if a poor person did not pay for them, you would think it showed lack of ambition to “rise” e.g. not staying in communications, not watching the news…

Which brings me to the point about “poor” (I say simple) people, that you would not =be able to fathom. Most of them do not aspire to material affluence, but they are spiritually affluent. Most have little desire to have extra money, to make little piles with like Silas Marner… They just enjoy life,
I actually have lived without cable for most of my married life. When we first got married we went without because we wanted to save money for a downpayment on a house. Thirteen years later we ended up getting cable in one of those two year packages. When the two years ended we gave it up. Last year my cell phone bill was $50 for the year and it is a smart phone, because the data is turned off. I turned off the data because at home and work I always have wifi available, so I have little need for data. My point being that one can live a rich life without spending a lot of money if one so desires. While I agree that some stockbrokers cannot be trusted, there are also many reputable firms that one can work with. For example, you can invest in TIAA-CREF mutual funds for as little as $100 initially as long as you put in $100 each month automatically. These are not investments that are churned, these are index funds are decidedly not churned to make them tax efficient. It can be done, it is not always easy, but it takes some creativity.
I actually have lived without cable for most of my married life. … Last year my cell phone bill was $50 for the year and it is a smart phone, because the data is turned off. … you can invest in TIAA-CREF mutual funds for as little as $100 initially as long as you put in $100 each month automatically.
Well, younger people need the communications of today, to stay in the hunt. Sounds like you have enjoyed the job security.

The average manual worker has no such security. They work as contractors, have to pay self-employment taxes, buy their own insurance etc etc. It is not wise for them to keep any temporary saving in an illiquid state. The fees in and out negate any small returns. And six years ago, everybody was cut down to size. The market only just crossed back above that level. Can you see why the simple people could be unable, and/or hesitant, to trust Edward Jones or whatever storefront they would have? Do you think they would be able to use the internet to control their accounts? It has taken me years, and I am a tech guy!
You are correct, Sally. When you buy a stock from a broker your money does not go to the company you have invested in.

But that is why the Stock Market exists. It allows the initial investor to sell his shares to make a profit. This is a very good thing.

Investors can buy stocks directly from companies after the IPO. Many companies will sell additional shares directly to investors (if they hold a minimum number of shares) and also to employees as a profit sharing benefit.

There is a big difference between gambling and investing. When a person says that they are both gambling…that is an indication to me that this person knows nothing about investing or the stock market.
The way most people invest in the stock market is gambling. Very few people research the companies, most don’t know how to read a balance sheet or what PE means. They are buying on emotions. The internet bubble was an excellent example of this.

I personally love DRIPs. Profit sharing programs that only give shares make me a little nervous because it reduces diversification, especially if the employee is not allowed to sell the shares for extended periods of time.
ThomasJMullally #175
but inherently greedy. Capitalism is inherently about who can be the greediest.
If you can’t see the dichotomy between being a good capitalist and being an ethical person, you have your head in the sand.
Such a denial of the teaching of the popes explains the frightful quandary that this poster has created for himself while also denying the reality of history in the development of free enterprise which has helped untold millions out of poverty. But he cannot see the wood for the trees.

Such cafeteria Catholics not only fail to help the development of the prosperity of others, they actively thwart it by their ignorant propagation of falsehoods, and denigrate Christ, the popes and the Church by opposing His teaching.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI exposes this sort of dissent:
**“Society does not have to protect itself from the market, as if the development of the latter were ipso facto to entail the death of authentically human relations…Therefore it is not the instrument that must be called to account, but individuals, their moral conscience and their personal and social responsibility.” **(Caritas et Veritate, Benedict XVI, 2009, #36).
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