Is Church Militant Schismatic?

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You have bishops teaching heresey
Your comments are reflective of the last 2,000 years of history of the Church. During the Arian Heresy, a large number of bishops sides with Arius.

Rerum Novarum in 1891 (as in, 128 years ago) set the base for social issues, with several encyclicals since then; people still don’t get it.

The issue of female deacons is still a matter under study, as it relates back to the earliest Church. The Church has had married clergy for 2,000 years as well as celibate clergy, and the Roman rite has married clergy now. Not sure what your issue is there.

Yes, there is evil in the Church; I don’t know who said it but about 6 decades ago I learned that wherever Christ is, the devil is not far behind. You are afraid? I trust Christ.

There are ovver 17,200 parishes. You don’t know enough to make the statement

But the reverence is not in most cases.
. That is offensive. I have been to Mass in many parishes in a number of states and And found them reverent.

But you want to talk about lack of reverence? In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s I was an altar boy; and innumerable times the pastor would come in for the 6:30 a.m. Mass inebriated, and consistently would whip through that Mass in under 15 minutes. that is irreverent. And he was not alone by any stretch of the imagination as to whipping through Masses.

I don’t need to ask my bishops what they have done to increase reverence. They have done it.

How many priests have come from your parish? The OF lends itself to lukewarm catechism? you are really full of opinions, all unsubstantiated by facts.
It is nice to know that someone is more intelligent, better trained, and actually involved in the issue of the SSPX - and by this I mean Cardinal Muller, when he was in the dicastery dealing with the SSPX, who distinguished between de jure schism and de facto schism, and publicly stated the SSPX were in de facto schism. And to date I do not recall Rome contradicting or disagreeing with his assessment, nor requiring him to withdraw it.

Rome has seen fit to not declare the SSPX to be in schism de jure. It is far easier to try to get them back in the fold without the further conflict such a ruling would cause. And 5 popes later, we are still in the same position; the SSPX every so often will hint that reconciliation is just around the corner, and then a few more years pass by.

As to Michael Voris being hypebolic, that is a pretty good description.
Michael Voris isn’t new to me nor do I read or watch his every word and move.
There is only one Michael Voris Church Militant and frankly…one is all that is necessary.
He walks on unchartered territory and don’t we all. I don’t envy his job nor do I condemn it.
His latest Vortex video dated 12/20 is reminder of why he is speaking up or why he ever did. He and Archbishop Vigano stand in the same ‘camp’. There is a war and the stakes are high. So whenever you are feeling lulled into complacency and caught up in relativism, turn to Michael for a slap of sobriety but don’t get hung up there. Move onwards and upwards. I don’t view him as schismatic…nope.

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No hiding.
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I will stick with St. Paul and not seek any camp, neither Apollos, or Paul, but stay with the Church, which is one.
Church Militant just tells it like it is.

And some Catholics just don’t like the truth.
Again, I’ll reiterate that the reason I do not care for them is precisely because they do not tell it like it is. I am a fan of the truth, not what the shock jocks of the Catholic media are peddling.
Church Millitant would vanish overnight when the Bishops start faithfully fullfilling their duty to preserve and protect the Catholic faith.

All you have to do is look up the definition of schismatic to see that Voris is not schismatic.

I do think there is a danger of being scandalised or losing piety If one obsesses to much over what they hear from church militant .

But the hierarchy its self is responsible for far greater scandal , I think Voris does a service that is necessary today, regrettably , and sadly.

I would caution , to spend 2 minutes listing to positive inspiring things for every one minute of listing to negative things from church militant
Avoid being scandalised, and keep your faith in the Church in spite of corrupt human beings in the Church
Church Militant offers a much needed Catholic critique of wayward hierarchy.

People don’t like them because they tell it like it is. They would rather stick their heads in the sand. There’s a distinct lack of holiness in the Church, and the Faith is being increasingly watered down by the day. Church Militant is only trying to keep our shepherds honest.

God bless them.
Is there something you can recommend from them that distorts the truth? I’d be willing to take a look at it and see what I make of it.
I listen to Mr.Voris for improving my vocabulary. He speaks some truth it seems but lies also and if you try to expose their lies they will block you in FB etc… Church Militant is partly a political entity too in my opinion
The first thing St. Francis did was to kneel and kiss the hands of the priest.

He took the priest by the hands and said" these are consecrated hands", so that the priest would realize what a responsibility he was called to.
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