I’m starting to wonder how it benefits Catholics to know about some forms of scandal in the Church. It’s beneficial to publicize the sex abuse crisis because it’s important to change things at the parish level and seek justice for victims. But how does it benefit Catholics, for example, to know about the pachamama issue? How does it benefit our daily faith? We get so torqued up and outraged but for what purpose?
Are you really serious with this post? How is it beneficial to call out idolatry at the Vatican? Really?
I’m absolutely serious. Sacraments benefit you. Prayer benefits you. How does knowing about that particular scandal benefit your faith life?
It is more about preventing harm for others.
Others, it is already happening, are thinking it is OK to have a pagan idol in a Catholic Church and think that it represents Mary. If the Pope had not allowed this, people wouldn’t think it was OK. Since the Pope did allow it, others think it must be OK. This needs to be called out for the benefit of souls.
This is one thing I will not budge on. The Pope himself admitted it was the Pachamama idol. Go google that and tell me it isn’t a pagan idol.
So knowing about these scandals help the laity hold teh Bishops accountable for their actions. It purifies the Church. I can’t imagine St. Francis or St. Patrick or any other Saint having the opinion that keeping scandals quiet is beneficial to the Church or the laity