Good counseling is always a good thing. But you stretch it. You want a written “approval” or “disapproval”. How do you think that is going to help a struggling couple? How do you think it is going to help someone whose spouse won’t cooperate and refuses to meet with their pastor?
If the pastor approves, then I guess that is fine for all. If the pastor disapproves, all that is going to do is cause unreasonable guilt for the spouse who is being divorced when they want to make the marriage work.
I understand what the Church teaches about marriage, but it takes two to tango. You can’t control other people. I know plenty of people who were headed for divorce that decided to get some (secular) counseling. Some decided to stay married, some not. None of their outcomes would have been any different if their religious director (pastor, in the case of Catholics) had given “approval” or disapproval".
Divorce is a rotten time for most folks. People don’t just wake up one day and decide it would be a good day for a divorce.
Marriage is sacred between a husband, wife, and God (if they choose). Perhaps I am just too loyal, but I don’t think a fourth party has any business between a husband, wife, and God in the way you suggest. Advice and opinions are fine, and should be sought if one’s religion is important to them. Requiring a letter is over the top.
Again, counseling (religious or otherwise) should always be sought before making a decision as big as divorce. I think this is the role a pastor or priest should play.