So when you agree with someone and it’s pointed out that you were in complete disagreement a few posts back, you say: Ah, but I’m not using the word as it’s defined in any given dictionary. I have my OWN definition.
Sadly, Bradski, Oxford’s definition is not my own. It is the definition provided by the most widely recognized dictionary in the English language. I’ll give it again:
Altruism - Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
…So altruism evolves when there is a selfless benefit.
Thank you for making that point. Which makes it, according to Oxford, not “altruistic”, but self-beneficial.
From the
same source
you cite:
“Altruistic traits can evolve only when some cue allows altruists to direct benefits selectively to other altruists, and thereby increase the relative fitness of altruists.”
Exactly! Grouping up and assisting one another can only evolve into a species’ genes if that behavior yields a benefit.
Again, from the
same text
you cited…
“Could you give some examples?
Textbook examples of reciprocal altruism include male baboons forming coalitions to gain access to sexually receptive females that are being mate-guarded by high ranking males.”
(emphasis mine)
Are you suggesting that the male baboons grouped up for “
disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.” No, They teamed up for access to sex!
If young men teaming up to “bed” guarded women is an innately altruistic practice, then I concede the point. We
are innately altruistic.
Do you actually
read any of the posts I write
or sources you cite? Or do you just scan enough to reinforce your obvious echo-chamber?
; the theory holding that behaviour of this type has evolved because is likely to increase the chances of survival or reproductive success for the apparently altruistic organism.expectation of its being reciprocated
(emphasis mine and, again, from Oxford)
“Reciprocal Altruism” is obviously a word used by researchers to describe a technical aspect of evolved behavior in an academic context. To conflate it with everyday “altruism” is a
desperate attempt by atheists to “prove” through out-right
deception that we are somehow “selflessly good” without religious principles.
Note: For anyone reading this far down in search for an answer to the thread’s question, it is this: Appeals to “common sense” are examples of the classic fallacy “argumentum ad populum”.
Nothing is true just because “everyone believes so”.