To what end? Stable, cooperative societies are very bad for business, and services. I’m not referring to a utopia scenario or anything perfect, but the farther people are pushed from better living to more chaotic living, new programs appear, more outside people are hired and more programs to help are required. I grew up in a period of time where neighbors helped each other for nothing. When stay at home moms were the norm, not day care, not latch key kids who had TV and now the internet to amuse them. You tear apart the family and you see ads like this in the 1980s: “No kids? $75 and you’re out. Call 800-DIVORCE.” No-Fault Divorce created out of thin air - pay the lawyer. I also watched America become more litigious. I picked up a pot in a super market and saw this label on the bottom: “Warning. If placed on a hot service this item will become hot.” Had common sense disappeared or was it something else? Kids were traumatized by divorce. Young women were convinced that aborting their baby was OK. I stood in front of an abortion clinic and watched as one young lady walked out with a bunch of roses in her arms.
Normal became abnormal. Neighbors no longer know neighbors. Everybody became obsessed by being offended or claiming they were offended. Instead of relying on our upbringing, total strangers were brought in to “reeducate” us. Decades ago, sex education in schools was a “good idea.” According to the CDC, the US is going through an STD epidemic now, but it doesn’t matter, even for groups at higher risk. Their lives do not matter as much as getting pleasure. They are hoping for new and better drugs - not a return to moral living and self-control. Self-control would mean lives saved, fewer pregnancies and so on. But the start of abortion included the fake “it’s just a blob of tissue” argument. No one would get an abortion if they were actually going to get a blob of tissue instead of a baby.
More conflict - more money. More damaged children means a greater chance of incarceration, so the Judicial/Prison Complex makes money. Private corporations use inmates to sell things. More prisons are built. There’s money in that.
When God is exchanged for money then getting money becomes god. And how dare you suggest that avoiding risky behaviors is bad? “We’re free. We get to do anything we want.” Sure, and others pay to clean up the mess. There’s money in radical individualism and a dictatorship of relativism where nothing is certain and only your ego is your guide.
Go back to communities and shared values? Why not? But there’s more money in inventing social chaos.