Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution True? Part 4.1

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What kind of “environmental pressures” would have to happen on my ranch to trigger the dinosaurs to start evolving into birds ?
The environment pressure of the ingestion lots of LSD on the part of the human observers would probably do the trick.
How do we know this?
With evolution science, nothing has to be “known”, as such. Two of the pillars of evolutionary biology are Baseless Assumptions and Blind Faith.
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This is like stand-up comedy.
I can’t stand fools who disrespect the beautiful truth of evolution by cracking stupid, childish jokes about it. These insolent infidels should be re-trained in concentration camps.
Start slow. Start with breeding cows into something like a Hippopotamus, semi aquatic. Once you have the hippo, then aim for something like a Manatee, which is fully aquatic.
Exactly. The reverse can be done too - get a fish and try and coax into onto land. It’s amazing how quickly the fish will get the idea and start walking about on its fins, catching prey and stuff.
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That would just kill them .
Not if you supplied heaters.

Hey, here’s an idea! Super-heat the ground they walk on - this will encourage them to jump up in the air and take flight. (I’m not very smart, but every now and then I come up with something brilliant!)
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No, simply by not letting them experience so-called “environmental pressure” on my ranch, no random mutations would be triggered and no so-called transition to birds would occur.
None of my biz, but can you afford to buy a large ranch, stock it with dinosaurs and fed them all? Then there are the vet bills …
How do you put a round pearl in a square hole ? 🙂
I think what Hugh was trying to say was, even though the possibilities of evolution are amazing and dogs can be bred into jewellers, it can’t be accomplished immediately … or something like that. (Sometimes I can’t follow some of Hugh’s profound ideas coz I ain’t got smart enough and ain’t got evolved enough.)
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Lions, tigers and cheetahs are evidence for macro evolution. They are clearly related, but have speciated.
I’m not pulling the God card. I don’t know what individual mutations propagated through pre-birds and why. I just know that birds and dinosaurs are clearly related, and that birds as we know them emerged after dinosaurs did.
They did not enable their carrier organism to reproduce as successfully as other genes did.
Your still sticking to your claim that somehow this loss of an ability once had is macro-evolution?
What purpose would there be for a alligator to start sprouting feathers ?
Being cold-blooded, a few feathers might provide some insulation, which might allow it to move to a colder climate, when non-feathered crocs can’t go.
But feathers are very specialised structures and a mutation wouldn’t produce one overnight. A lot of simple hair-like structures would provide some thermal insulation, but why would they evolve into feathers?

Anyhow, stop asking inconvenient questions - just believe in evolution and stop being a trouble-maker! Conform to the world.
What purpose could there be for all this storytelling that claims to explain something, followed by a lot of maybes?
You and I know the answer, but evolutionists think it has something to do with science.
No, it wasn’t. it was an attempt to create an absurd straw man, so that by pointing out the absurdity of the straw man, you could hope to get people to believe that the actual target of your opposition was absurd. It failed.
People who deny evolution are straw men. Pray for them.
I am already convinced that evolution is the way God produced and developed all life, so do not need convincing it is true
Like I said, to you, evolution is truth. How can you consider a theory is “true”, if a theory cannot be proven?
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