I’m glad you picked up on this. Scott2’s (from previous thread) claim that “Saint Augustine argued against a literal interpretation of Genesis. He actually chastised those that did” can easily be demonstrated to be erroneous and absurd.
For starters, there is absolutely nothing in the Augustine quote Scott2 supplied that supports his claim.
Then there is the fact that about 99.9% of the Church Fathers believed in a very literal interpretation of Genesis 1 (Augustine himself believed creation took an instant, but he never opposed the literal “six days” view held by others).
There is also the fact that, from the very beginning of the Church, she has taught that the faithful may believe in the literal “six day” interpretation. Indeed, this interpretation was held by the vast majority of Catholics until the latter half of the twentieth century. Catholics who held alternative views formed a very small minority.
Scott2’s “Augustine” argument has been trotted out many times by other evolutionists, who evidently have no idea of how lame and false it is.