Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution True? Part 4.1

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For every transitional stage/ step there is a corresponding reproductive advantage… yes- no ?
If we lived in the wild and you were slim, wiry and a good runner (think of a marathon runner), then you would likely pass on those characteristics to your offspring. If I were a large muscular guy (think 100 metre sprinter) then my offspring would likely be the same.

If you needed to be more of a marathon runner to run down prey over many miles, then in general, you and your offspring would do better at that type of hunting than me and mine.

All other things being equal, it would be more likely that your offspring would survive longer than mine and would pass on the genes for ‘marathon running’ to future generations.

Over time, the sprinters might die out leaving only the marathon runners. There would be a tendancy for the society as a whole to be excellent long distance runners. That’s why Ethiopia produces so many great marathon runners and Fiji doesn’t.
For every transitional stage/ step there is a corresponding reproductive advantage… yes- no ?
If we lived in the wild and you were slim, wiry and a good runner (think of a marathon runner), then you would likely pass on those characteristics to your offspring. If I were a large muscular guy (think 100 metre sprinter) then my offspring would likely be the same.

If you needed to be more of a marathon runner to run down prey over many miles, then in general, you and your offspring would do better at that type of hunting than me and mine.

All other things being equal, it would be more likely that your offspring would survive longer than mine and would pass on the genes for ‘marathon running’ to future generations.

Over time, the sprinters might die out leaving only the marathon runners. There would be a tendancy for the society as a whole to be excellent long distance runners. That’s why Ethiopia produces so many great marathon runners and Fiji doesn’t.
Evolution doesn’t happen overnight, what is the organism doing in the meantime to survive in this environment ?
Hunting. They all hunt. It’s just that you and yours are slightly better at it than me and mine.

Over time, that makes a difference. The people who are not great marathon runners might find it easier to fish or collect berries or dig for roots. To live a more sedentary life. They will tend to stick together while all the good runners are out hunting.

The hunters will generally breed amongst themselves and the other guys likewise. You might end up with 2 different societies. One large and sedentary. The other slim and great runners.

Nobody has died out. This could go on for very many generations. But if at some time there is less game or less berries and fish, then one group could find themselves in trouble.

Easier to explain over a beer…
Hunting. They all hunt. It’s just that you and yours are slightly better at it than me and mine.

Over time, that makes a difference. The people who are not great marathon runners might find it easier to fish or collect berries or dig for roots. To live a more sedentary life. They will tend to stick together while all the good runners are out hunting.

The hunters will generally breed amongst themselves and the other guys likewise. You might end up with 2 different societies. One large and sedentary. The other slim and great runners.

Nobody has died out. This could go on for very many generations. But if at some time there is less game or less berries and fish, then one group could find themselves in trouble.
So, evolution produced a bunch of animals that didn’t even know how to survive.I’m not buying that, none of this is going on today, in real life.It’s really far fetched to believe that there would be so many environmental changes that played a perfect role in millions and millions a plant and animal DNA mutations … It’s all pure speculation.
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Does evolution have limits? What are they?
Does evolution have limits? What are they?

Hugh_Farey says NO! This says it all. The god of BUC is omnipotent. Evolution can do anything and is unfalsifiable, therefore not scientific.


An amazing admission. Exposed once again…
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It would be a massive chain of events over millions of years. No guidance and no mistakes.
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Using this example, one can see that there was 6 species that bit the dust, because they couldn’t cut it in their so-called new environment, and this is just for the whale, now multiply this scenario millions and millions of times, for millions of different species and think about how far fetched it is.
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What a spokesperson for Atheism! With a few more like you on their side, there would be precious little we Catholics could do to save our religion from oblivion.
The word theory means different things to different people in different contexts, with little consistency, so what folllows is only how it should be read in connecftion with evolution. A theory is an explanation, and the theory of evolution is an explanation for the diversity of living things and the successive appearance of fossils in rock strata.
Okay. But, where are the transitional forms in the fossil record which is what one would expect if the theory of evolution was true as Darwin himself stated? In his own day, Darwin knew the fossil record did not support his theory but he hoped the transitional forms would eventually be found. Now, after 150+ years of digging the situation has not changed but has only gotten worse for Darwinism. You like to talk about the mathematical probability of the theory of evolution. What is the mathematical probability that if the theory of evolution were true and upon the millions upon millions or billions of fossils in the fossil record spanning millions or billions of years, there is not a single undisputed supposed transitional form fossil or that the abrupt appearance of all the variety of species in the fossil record leave no trace of their supposed evolutionary development? From the evolutionary standpoint, the probability that the fossil record should lack a clear trace of transitional forms or fossils of any kind, defies any credible explanation.
Further, it is an explanation based entirely on observation.
Macroevolution has never been observed nor even if it was happening now could it be observed. Yet, you say “Further, it [the theory of evolution] is an explanation based entirely on observation.” What we actually observe in the real world as opposed to the imaginary world of Darwinism is tigers begetting tigers, horses begetting horses, humans begetting humans, and so on. Rodents morphing into whales, dinosaurs into birds, and the rest of the fossil record interpreted according to the theory of evolution, is an interpretation based on imagination, not on observation.
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Hunting. They all hunt. It’s just that you and yours are slightly better at it than me and mine.

Over time, that makes a difference. The people who are not great marathon runners might find it easier to fish or collect berries or dig for roots. To live a more sedentary life. They will tend to stick together while all the good runners are out hunting.

The hunters will generally breed amongst themselves and the other guys likewise. You might end up with 2 different societies. One large and sedentary. The other slim and great runners.

Nobody has died out. This could go on for very many generations. But if at some time there is less game or less berries and fish, then one group could find themselves in trouble.
So, evolution produced a bunch of animals that didn’t even know how to survive.I’m not buying that, none of this is going on today, in real life.It’s really far fetched to believe that there would be so many environmental changes that played a perfect role in millions and millions a plant and animal DNA mutations … It’s all pure speculation.
What do you mean ‘didn’t know how to survive’? Everyone in the scenario lived happily ever after. Except that one group might die out if the type of food that they they are expert at hunting/collecting dissapears. This happens all the time and you fully appreciate it. Extinctions are the norm. Things change. Sometimes slowly. Sometimes quite quickly. If a group can adapt at the same rate as the environment is changing then they will survive. Otherwise they will die out.

This is blazingly simple.
Easier to explain over a beer…
You trying to convince me the Darwinism is true… would be like me trying to convince you that God is real… it ain’t going to happen. 🙂
You don’t have to convince me that God exists. All you need do is make sure that I understand the arguments for His existence. Then I can tell you if I believe them or not.

The first step for a lot of people here is to try to make you understand the arguments for evolution. You can then decide if you believe them or not. And after countless posts and months of very detailed explanations, you are no further to understanding any of it.

There is ignorance, which we are all prone to. And then there is willful ignorance.
Hunting. They all hunt. It’s just that you and yours are slightly better at it than me and mine.

Over time, that makes a difference. The people who are not great marathon runners might find it easier to fish or collect berries or dig for roots. To live a more sedentary life. They will tend to stick together while all the good runners are out hunting.

The hunters will generally breed amongst themselves and the other guys likewise. You might end up with 2 different societies. One large and sedentary. The other slim and great runners.

Nobody has died out. This could go on for very many generations. But if at some time there is less game or less berries and fish, then one group could find themselves in trouble.
So, evolution produced a bunch of animals that didn’t even know how to survive.I’m not buying that, none of this is going on today, in real life.It’s really far fetched to believe that there would be so many environmental changes that played a perfect role in millions and millions a plant and animal DNA mutations … It’s all pure speculation.
What do you mean ‘didn’t know how to survive’? Everyone in the scenario lived happily ever after. Except that one group might die out if the type of food that they they are expert at hunting/collecting dissapears. This happens all the time and you fully appreciate it. Extinctions are the norm. Things change. Sometimes slowly. Sometimes quite quickly. If a group can adapt at the same rate as the environment is changing then they will survive. Otherwise they will die out.

This is blazingly simple.
How does what you said apply to the plant kingdom ?
What a spokesperson for Atheism! With a few more like you on their side, there would be precious little we Catholics could do to save our religion from oblivion.
Catholicism has the fullness of truth, was founded by Jesus Christ and protected by the holy Spirit. It will never go into oblivion.

The truth will always stand and be sought.
What’s wrong with that statement? E-coli remains e-coli.
Yes, after 50,000 generations there remains E-coli. Also, this experiment is in a controlled enviroment, not the real world, and it favors artificially induced mutations, gene expression, or whatever they are doing from what I understand. The experiment does not bode well for macroevolution. Apparently, after 75 days, you can get 500 generations from the E-coli and after 50,000 generations you still have E-coli. The supposed macroevolution of the bigger animals don’t reproduce this fast and if one takes a look at the appearance in the fossil record of the various animals and calculates the math from the E-coli experiment, the supposed evolution from one species to another is probably going to be off the charts concerning the time factor.
Catholicism has the fullness of truth, was founded by Jesus Christ and protected by the holy Spirit. It will never go into oblivion.

The truth will always stand and be sought.
Well, we can all thank God for that.
This is an answer that could be worked out by anyone with an iq higher than ambient room temperature. How about you give it your best shot and see where it takes us.

I’ve got to book a room in NO at the moment. I’ll call back in later to see how you did. Don’t let me down. Give it your best shot.
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Okay. But, where are the transitional forms in the fossil record which is what one would expect if the theory of evolution was true as Darwin himself stated?
You need to read all the posts as one. There is a discussion about the fossil record a little way on.
You like to talk about the mathematical probability of the theory of evolution. What is the mathematical probability that if the theory of evolution were true and upon the millions upon millions or billions of fossils in the fossil record spanning millions or billions of years, there is not a single undisputed supposed transitional form fossil or that the abrupt appearance of all the variety of species in the fossil record leave no trace of their supposed evolutionary development? From the evolutionary standpoint, the probability that the fossil record should lack a clear trace of transitional forms or fossils, defies any credible explanation.
You need to read all the posts as one. There is a discussion about probability a little way on.
Further, it is an explanation based entirely on observation.
Macroevolution has never been observed nor even if it was happening now could it be observed. Yet, you say “Further, it [the theory of evolution] is an explanation based entirely on observation.” What we actually observe in the real world as opposed to the imaginary world of Darwinism is tigers begetting tigers, horses begetting horses, humans begetting humans, and so on. Rodents morphing into whales, dinosaurs into birds, and the rest of the fossil record interpreted according to the theory of evolution, is an interpretation based on imagination, not on observation.
Evolution does not have to be observed at all for it still to be a better explanation for what is observed than creationism.

You appear to have succinctly demonstrated the failings of the three ‘arguments for creationism’ that I enumerated above. Go back and see what’s wrong with them. They’re posts 1616 and 1618, I think.
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