Well, OK.
1) Some organic structures could not have evolved.
This, of course, is an opinion. To have any kind of credibility, it must be based on evidence (empirical: something you can see), which is wholly lacking. Mostly the argument is probability based, but such arguments are logically unsound, as well as lacking in data. Mathematically, it must not be assumed that “vanishingly improbable” equals “impossible”. As soon as it is admitted that there is a non-zero probability for something, it becomes a viable possibility. Not only that, but it becomes an immediate possibility. It is a mistake to imagine that because you have a one in a million chance of winning a lottery, you can never win it, (that’s obvious) but it also is a mistake to imagine that you will have to buy a million tickets before you can win. Some people win with their first and only ticket. A tiny probability of an occurrence is not a dictator of when the occurrence will take place.
From what we have learned in the last 100 years or so concerning the enormous and almost unbelievable complexity of organisms including ourselves, how all the biological systems and body parts function for the good and life of the whole organism and species of the animal, I believe that indeed it is not only not possible but absurd according to the nature of organisms that greater complex species evolved from lower species or the evolution of any novel organs, structures, functions, or whole body plans from the lower and simpler organisms. The supposed evolution of dinosaurs into birds or rodents into whales involves a complete overhaul of the whole organism including it seems to me of every physiological or biological system, the skeletal and muscular, respiratory and circulatory, the nervous system including a complete overhaul of the enormously complex brain, novel organs, etc. In my opinion, the whole macro-evolutionary idea is absurd.
What’s more, in order to show by probability that Creation is a better explanation for the history of biology than creationism, one would have to show that spontaneous creation was more probable. I do not believe this has been attempted, let alone achieved, and for that reason I think that Evolution is a better explanation than Creation.
Probability does not enter into the picture of spontaneous or special creation by God because we know with 100% certainty that God can do it. Accordingly, an idea of the ‘probability of creation’ is a false idea. What comparison is there between the probability of evolution and the 100% certainty of creation? Lastly, there is no proportion between the finite (creatures) and the infinite (God).