What choice do they have? “My professor said it’s true…” and his professor before him and his professor before him, etc.
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Most posters that are voicing their opinion against Darwinism, take science very seriously. When one thinks about what we are expected to assume, and see it’s absurdity. Evolutionary theory is merely a materialistic “creation” story, making full use of random-of-the-gaps to fill the intellectual craters in its explanation of life in general and humanity in particular, It’s hard to sit by as the nonsense of the modern mythos has free reign in schools and the media, and not say something, even if it just ends there.Read books by people who don’t necessarily share your creed but who take their science seriously.
What is bassless is your assumptions about books you have never read.LeafByNiggle:![]()
Good point, but I suspect books on the “truth” of evolution are pretty much all the same. One thing they all seem to have in common is a disturbing reliance on evolution’s triple-treat - baseless assumption, rank speculation and wishful thinking.If you can say that about a book you know nothing about, I can say thing about all those ID nonsense books. But there is one difference. I have actually read the books I am commenting on,
What is this nonsense? Einstein did not limit the speed of light. The speed of light was measured in 1676, a couple of centuries before Einstein was born. Neither did Einstein invent the notion that the speed of light is always measured the same. The Michaelson-Morley experiment did that in 1887, when Einstein was only eight years old. What nonsense are you talking about?When the experiments showed the earth does not move, this was unacceptable to Einstein. That is why he limited the speed of light. Lightspeeds above the constant he came up with would prove the earth stationary.
I hardly think refusing to read the books about evolution as a very scientific approach. A scientists looks at the evidence. I read a book on ID suggested by buffalo. He refused to read a book by Coyne that I suggested. Which one of us is behaving like a scientist?stavros388:![]()
Most posters that are voicing their opinion against Darwinism, take science very seriously…Read books by people who don’t necessarily share your creed but who take their science seriously.