Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution True? Part Three

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Aloysium, my apologies if I came off as rude. It was not my intention.

Overall, Darwinism does not contradict faith. It only describes the process by which new species come about. As others pointed out, Adam and Eve bodily coming about from early hominids only describes the origin of the human body. The soul created by God is another matter, and as Catholics we know God creates a person’s soul.
The Church does realize that.

Adam and Eve: Defense of Their Literal Existence as the Primal Human Couple, by Catholic Philosopher, Dr. Dennis Bonnette

Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? - Dr Dennis Bonnete

The Rational Credibility of a Literal Adam and Eve
You are attacking a different theory, not the theory of evolution. edwest211 was challenging the idea that Adam and Eve came from other animals. timothyvail was not challenging the uniqueness of Adam and Eve as the parents of all humankind. So if you are going to quote Church documents to support your point, you need to do more than just quote them. You have to show how they support your point. You have not done that in this case.
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Adam and Eve are not recognized as first parents. According to science, they are preceded by hominids and hominins, which conflicts with Church teaching.
We sure God has the same definition of human that we use? Why couldn’t the earlier hominids come from a single mating pair?

Or if those early hominids don’t count, why couldn’t a single mating pair be the first humans?
Adam and Eve are not recognized as first parents. According to science, they are preceded by hominids and hominins, which conflicts with Church teaching.
It’s not science’s business to do theology, so Adam and Eve are moot in the scientific world.

The existence of human-like creatures before the first two fully human parents does not conflict with Church teaching. End of story Ed.
We can go on another 800 posts and you still are conflating science with theology.
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Overall, Darwinism does not contradict faith. It only describes the process by which new species come about.
Good Morning,

I think it does much more than that, but very subtly. Darwin’s theory shows that at our core, we want to survive, like all animated creation does. And what can be shown, as an extension, is that all the aspects of human nature are there to help us to survive and thrive. And where do these aspects of the human come from? From our loving Creator, of course!

So while there are plenty of ideas out there of human depravity, that there is something self-destructive, something “stained”, something contrary to God in out nature, the theory of evolution sits squarely as contrary to these ideas.

Darwin’s theory points to the beauty of the human as part of God’s creation!
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We can go on another 800 posts and you still are conflating science with theology.
There is an option, but it is less “fun” in terms of the competitive philosophical approach.
Adam and Eve are not recognized as first parents. According to science, they are preceded by hominids and hominins, which conflicts with Church teaching.
While that lack of recognition does not imply that Evolutionary Theory opposes the possibility of Adam and Eve, it is pretty clear that there are plenty of atheists and agnostics who claim that ET opposes and negates Genesis I. This fact alone would logically lead a faithful Catholic not to trust those who favor ET, right? It’s kind of like “If the people I don’t trust think this is good, then it must be bad.” It’s a gut-reaction that serves those who experience it!

Does this explain your aversion to ET? If not, there are many other understandable reasons for aversion.
It’s not science’s business to do theology, so Adam and Eve are moot in the scientific world.

The existence of human-like creatures before the first two fully human parents does not conflict with Church teaching. End of story Ed.

We can go on another 800 posts and you still are conflating science with theology.
I agree, and the sources provided by Ed have nothing to do with Church teaching or what Evolution actually can say about Theology.
You are attacking a different theory, not the theory of evolution. edwest211 was challenging the idea that Adam and Eve came from other animals. timothyvail was not challenging the uniqueness of Adam and Eve as the parents of all humankind. So if you are going to quote Church documents to support your point, you need to do more than just quote them. You have to show how they support your point. You have not done that in this case.
I was assuming that even if evolution did go against Church teaching, and the Church should know, then I wanted to question why it would not have been condemned, instead of being more and more embraced by our last few popes.
The Church moves very slowly. Polygenism has been objected to.
I know and we know about polygenism, but polygenism isn’t the inherent position of evolution, because it is an interpretation a person makes, not something evolution proposes by default.

The Church moves slowly on some things, but if they have hard evidence on it being 100% incompatibile as you seem to claim, they have no good reason to wait, especially with so many souls at risk (assuming it is spiritually dangerous)
Catholic teaching affirms the idea that Adam and Eve were special creations. Souls don’t count in this discussion. They don’t exist according to science. So, either one believes Adam and Eve are the parents of all, not the end result of less developed hominids, or not.
Please provide documentary evidence that the statement “more and more embraced” is true. There is no evidence of that as far as I know. Finally, scientists don’t need the approval of religious leaders.
Saying Adam and Eve bodily came about from early hominids doesn’t negate them being first parents or having a special purpose. It only makes a statement on how God brought about human bodies. The soul would still have been created individually by God as the human soul did not evolve, but the body is another measure.
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