Again. How is Creationism useful? You didn’t like my answer but I answered. Please answer my question.
No, I don’t think anyone is saying that.Well, some here are only concerned about science. Full stop. Nothing more can be said. Science is limited but some view it as the way - the only source of knowledge and truth.
I think he is referring to those aspects of creationism that are claimed to be in conflict with even the simplest and weakest form of evolution. That creationism. What use is it?What do you mean by creationism? I’m referring to Divine revelation…
From the Catholic Encyclopedia: Creationism:What do you mean by creationism?
It should strike the thinking man as mighty strange that one of the greatest “discoveries” in science is completely useless. The thinking man will also remind himself that false scientific theories are completely useless.Good for evolution that the truth of scientific theories doesn’t rely on opinions of usefulness.
In science, yes there is … it’s called applied science. Accepting the theory of microbe-man evolution is not required to be a competent in applied biologist.Is there objective usefulness?
That’s depends on what you mean by “how the animals on Galapagos became the way they are.” If you mean genetics variations within a species and natural selection, these are facts that are useful to science. On the other hand, if you mean common ancestry, this is not a fact, but a theory that is completely useless to science. Note that said useful facts exist whether or not one accepts said theory of common ancestry - the former is not in the least dependent on the latter.Scientists use evolution because it is indeed the most fitting and most useful for explaining how the animals on Galapagos became the way they are.
Why is it that evolutionists seem to have the utmost difficulty telling the difference between “explaining the data” and a practical use? Is their aptitude for science really that poor?Do you have something more useful than evolution to explain the data?
I don’t need any authority to condemn parts of the Catechism - the Catechism condemns itself with its own words. All one has to do is read it.What is your authority to say the catechism is corrupt?
My complaint is not the Catechism allows for evolution, but that, firstly, it implies microbe-man evolution is a fact. Paragraph 283 implies that the theory of evolution is “knowledge” and a “discoverBecause it allows for evolution?
Back to the recent topic, is Creationism useful? And if so, for what? How does it “further Biology”It should strike the thinking man as mighty strange that one of the greatest “discoveries” in science is completely useless. The thinking man will also remind himself that false scientific theories are completely useless.
On what grounds do you say it is “completely useless to science”? Scientists using the theory to do their research would beg to differ. Did you read any of the peer reviewed journals I referred to earlier?On the other hand, if you mean common ancestry, this is not a fact, but a theory that is completely useless to science.
Oh yes Glark, because we all know the practice of explaining things is of no practical use to anyone. Go on.Why is it that evolutionists seem to have the utmost difficulty telling the difference between “explaining the data” and a practical use? Is their aptitude for science really that poor?
Opinion, back up your assertion with an argument or facts.Coming up with a theory that explains the data is actually useless to science
Very good, but you have to prove it is wrong with data.a theory that appears to explain the data can still be wrong.
Look up your quotes before you quote them because Louis Bounoure never served as “Director” nor was even a member of the CNRS. So how can we trust a liar, someone who says he was a director but wasn’t?“That, by this, evolutionism would appear as a theory without value, is confirmed also pragmatically. A theory must not be required to be true … it must be required to be useable. Indeed, none of the progress made in biology depends even slightly on a theory, the principles of which [of how evolution occurs – ED.] are nevertheless filling every year volumes of books, periodicals, and congresses with their discussions and their disagreements.” - Determinism and Finality, Louis Bouroune ( Professor of Biology, University of Strasbourg and Director of the Strasbourg Zoological Museum), edited by Flammarion, 1957, p. 79
You seem to have a short memory. About ten days ago I stated that my literal “six days” interpretation of Scripture could be wrong.I do understand that you think you have all the right answers about evolution and everyone of us that disagrees with you is wrong
Good for you, you’re coming around. Our Church would echo that stance on the literal six days.You seem to have a short memory. About ten days ago I stated that my literal “six days” interpretation of Scripture could be wrong.
Okay, but that’s not my argument. I’m suggesting a form of paganism may have produced the theory of evolution.Well, nature had a part in it, but evolution does not claim nature is a god, or a prime mover, or an intelligence, it describes nature as operating as it does in reality. Nothing more, nothing less.
Martin Luther didn’t need any authority to nail up his theses.I don’t need any authority to condemn parts of the Catechism - the Catechism condemns itself with its own words. All one has to do is read it.
That’s fine, where are the facts that back up your theory?Okay, but that’s not my argument. I’m suggesting a form of paganism may have produced the theory of evolution.
Just curious, did you make this phrase up yourself or are you borrowing it from somewhere. It is very peculiar to say the least.microbe-man evolution
The earth itself wasn’t recreated - the creatures that inhabited the earth may have been destroyed and then replaced by second creation.So if there was an earth and it became void, and then earth was recreated, then wouldn’t that mean everything got erased?
The omission of details doesn’t necessarily mean nothing happened. Something could have happened that we’re not told about. This is theological concept you should be familiar with - you know, billions of years of evolution and no mention of this momentous process in the Bible.1:1 In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth. Doesn’t seem to indicate there was anything before the void. Where does that come in?