but only those parts that are authentic and have not been spiritually and intellectually corrupted.
But here’s the problem Glark, and I think a lot of us see it. You are setting yourself up as the judge of authenticity and corruption in the Church and in particular the Catechism, which seems 1. arrogant 2. heretical 3. unfounded 4. to betray a very low esteem of the Church.
Remember, it is only your interpretation of the Catechism, not the Catechism itself you have issue with.
You as a Catholic don’t have the privilege of deciding what is corrupt and what is not in the Catechism, you just don’t have that authority nor the Holy Spirit’s gifts. Like the Saints, you are to trust and obey even when your own personal opinion doesn’t conform to the Church’s opinion. It comes down to a binary reality. Either you have the inspiration of the Holy Spirit on this matter or the Church does.
I would not be in a Church that conformed to Glark’s whim, and his private opinion. The Church simply cannot be corrupted as easily as you think it can, and is protected by such errors better than you imagine.
The Church is not corrupt, the Catechism is not corrupt. Her individual members in so far as they are separated from the vine and in rebellion against Her, may be a different story.