Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True? Part Two

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The anglerfish has a specialized illuminated fishing lure that it uses to attract prey… how did the anglerfish survive waiting for evolution to evolve this lure ?
This…will this thread ever end? I find it difficult to believe any side will change their mind.
What took so long? The Theory of Never Ending Threads on Evolution has been shown to be true. Evolution as promoted here? Not so much.
Truth changes minds…eventually. All of us without evolution formed brains can find it.

Those with evolutionary formed brains have it much tougher because n evolutionary formed brain is not a reliable truth detector. 😀
genetic piano.

Imagine a piano player putting out different tunes everyday. He uses some of the 88 keys in different combinations to create beautiful music. Some pieces may use the same key combinations in different sequences and different places. Some will be altogether different.

Now imagine life. There are 500 or so conserved genes that all life has. From these all combinations can be built from provided instructions. (these 500 would be like the 88 keys on the piano.) So no a fish would not change into a walrus. The initial creature begins with the thought. Then the DNA language takes over to call upon the building blocks needed to make swimming creatures, walking creatures, flying creatures, etc…

So the information to program the DNA is primary. Once done the information necessary for the continuation of the creature is passed on through the mother.
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This is the central portion of Pope Benedict XVI’s Easter Vigil Homily, given Saturday night, April 23.

“The central message of the creation account can be defined more precisely still. In the opening words of his Gospel, Saint John sums up the essential meaning of that account in this single statement: In the beginning was the Word. In effect, the creation account that we listened to earlier is characterized by the regularly recurring phrase: And God said … The world is a product of the Word, of the Logos, as Saint John expresses it, using a key term from the Greek language. “Logos” means “reason,” “sense,” “word.” It is not reason pure and simple, but creative Reason, that speaks and communicates itself. It is Reason that both is and creates sense. The creation account tells us, then, that the world is a product of creative Reason. Hence it tells us that, far from there being an absence of reason and freedom at the origin of all things, the source of everything is creative Reason, love, and freedom. Here we are faced with the ultimate alternative that is at stake in the dispute between faith and unbelief: are irrationality, lack of freedom and pure chance the origin of everything, or are reason, freedom and love at the origin of being? Does the primacy belong to unreason or to reason? This is what everything hinges upon in the final analysis. As believers we answer, with the creation account and with Saint John, that in the beginning is reason. In the beginning is freedom. Hence it is good to be a human person. It is not the case that in the expanding universe, at a late stage, in some tiny corner of the cosmos, there evolved randomly some species of living being capable of reasoning and of trying to find rationality within creation, or to bring rationality into it. If man were merely a random product of evolution in some place on the margins of the universe, then his life would make no sense or might even be a chance of nature. But no, Reason is there at the beginning: creative, divine Reason. And because it is Reason, it also created freedom; and because freedom can be abused, there also exist forces harmful to creation. Hence a thick black line, so to speak, has been drawn across the structure of the universe and across the nature of man. But despite this contradiction, creation itself remains good, life remains good, because at the beginning is good Reason, God’s creative love. Hence the world can be saved. Hence we can and must place ourselves on the side of reason, freedom and love on the side of God who loves us so much that he suffered for us, that from his death there might emerge a new, definitive and healed life.”


The chapter on Prime Matter helps explain.
DNA actively fights with several iterations to prevent mutations from taking hold.

New class of DNA repair enzyme discovered October 29, 2015

A new class of DNA repair enzyme has been discovered which demonstrates that a much broader range of damage can be removed from the double helix in ways that biologists did not think were possible.

According to the researchers, the AlkD mechanism has some remarkable properties:
It can recognize damaged bases indirectly. AlkD identifies lesions by interacting with the DNA backbone without contacting the damaged base itself.
It can repair many different types of lesions as long as they are positively charged. By contrast, the base-flipping mechanism used by other glycosylases relies on a relatively tight binding pocket in the enzyme, so each glycosylase is designed to work with a limited number of lesions. AlkD doesn’t have the same type of pocket so it isn’t restricted in the same way. Instead, the catalytic mechanism that AlkD uses is limited to removing positively charged lesions.
It can excise much bulkier lesions than other glycosylases. Base excision repair is generally limited to relatively small lesions. A different pathway, called nucleotide excision repair, handles larger lesions like those caused by UV radiation damage. However, Eichman’s team discovered that AlkD could excise extremely bulky lesions, such as the one caused by the antibiotic yatakemycin, which is beyond the capability of other glycosylases. New class of DNA repair enzyme discovered
I’ve seen this topic go through 2 threads now, and no compromise has been reached or no side has successfully proven the other side wrong.

We know move to round 3, I mean thread 3 🤣
My mother’s background is in biology, so I don’t really have a doubt about Evolution, although I do take it a good bit hard to swallow, when people say that Adam and Eve didn’t exist, but one thing that bothers me even more than that, is the fact that no one ever looks into social Darwinism whenever Darwin is brought up.
What has been proven is the weakness of evolution and that the “appearance of design” is not an illusion.

Biology and the universe are intelligable because an intelligent agent is behind it all.

Truth has no compromise.
We’re just mice in a lab. Our thoughts: how we should behave, how we should look, talk and dress, are spoon-fed to us by the media. Destroy the family and the media will teach you all how to be good secularists who should only care about what they tell you to care about. That way, we will do their bidding - without thinking it through.

I no longer live in a functioning society but there are still pockets of function if you know where to look and the Church can repair your lost relationship with God. Who doesn’t view us as meaningless life forms.
Michael Denton and the coming downfall of the mechanistic view in cell biology
Pope Benedict XVI

"Monod nonetheless finds the possibility for evolution in the fact that in the very propagation of the project there can be mistakes in the act of transmission. Because nature is conservative, these mistakes, once having come into existence, are carried on. Such mistakes can add up, and from the adding up of mistakes something new can arise. Now an astonishing conclusion follows: It was in this way that the whole world of living creatures, and human beings themselves, came into existence. We are the product of “haphazard mistakes.”

“What response shall we make to this view? It is the affair of the natural sciences to explain how the tree of life in particular continues to grow and how new branches shoot out from it. This is not a matter for faith. But we must have the audacity to say that the great projects of the living creation are not the products of chance and error. Nor are they the products of a selective process to which divine predicates can be attributed in illogical, unscientific, and even mythic fashion. The great projects of the living creation point to a creating Reason and show us a creating Intelligence, and they do so more luminously and radiantly today than ever before. Thus we can say today with a new certitude and joyousness that the human being is indeed a divine project, which only the creating Intelligence was strong and great and audacious enough to conceive of. Human beings are not a mistake but something willed; they are the fruit of love. They can disclose in themselves, in the bold project that they are, the language of the creating Intelligence that speaks to them and that moves them to say: Yes, Father, you have willed me.”
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The “Truth” is an untestable theory about what happened over billions of years?
The late George Carlin, the great comedian, once postulated that the earth was really a second grade science project for God when He was a kid, and He just gave up on it and moved on to other things.

With all the bickering back and forth, and the lack of any real consensus on these never ending threads on this forum, I am beginning to think Carlin may have been on to something.😉
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In Part 2, Pickypicky - as Darwinists often do - suggested their are “gaps” in the genealogies described in the Bible, which means Adam could have lived much, much longer ago than about 5778 years ago. But Matthew 1:17 precludes that possibility, I should think:

“Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah.”
I would find that light very annoying after a while. Hope it comes with an “off” switch.

As for the light’s origin, that fish may have become a Buddhist and then reached the “enlightenment” stage. Rossum would know more about it than I.
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