Adam and Eves parents are God.
Sisters. Unless there are some other compatible species not mentioned in scripture.Real people, and their first sons married. . . who?
It’s a social institution that is all about economics, power, and honour. On the most sumblime level it is a repository of human knowledge, much of it gleaned by people deeply in love with the mysteries of creation. However, with ignorance inherent in the human condition, it is also contaminated by half-truths, illusions and outright lies. As in the parable of the Wheat and the Tares, some of us have let them grow, eventually to have had the good grace to separate the Truth from that which would strangle it. Where decades ago there were visions of apes naturally morphing into mankind, I no longer honestly “know” how God created us. But, that He did and that He is always with us is a certainy.Science is a business, no matter which lab or university or government agency works on it or gets involved with it.
This is about selling an idea. Scientists are, in some cases, unwitting pawns. Most are just people with highly specialized jobs who have to pay the bills like the rest of us. Others are actively working against the Church.
It is illuminating that the only way you can deny the findings of science is to tear down the whole field, ascribing bad motives and corrupting influences to explain away what they say. This is a variant of the ad hominem fallacy. To attack what the scientists say you have to attack their integrity or their competence. It is uncharitable to attack their integrity without substantial evidence (not to mention that your claim is extraordinary, requiring extraordinary proof), and it beyond your competence to attack their competence, unless you are equally qualified so as to be criticizing your peers.Trust. Isn’t that the truth. Years of compromise in science and the ongoing teaching of a philosophy under the guise of evolutionary theory, has brought us here. Catholics already know the truth. Science is a business, no matter which lab or university or government agency works on it or gets involved with it.
This is about selling an idea. Scientists are, in some cases, unwitting pawns. Most are just people with highly specialized jobs who have to pay the bills like the rest of us. Others are actively working against the Church.
“Doctors don’t know what they are talking about, and are just in it for the money.”
“Lawmakers are all corrupted by the pockets of the special interests.”
“Police just like to exercise power over people they don’t like.”
“The US Catholic bishops are all ignorant and are tools of the left.”
“Statistics is a made-up field. You can prove anything with statistics.”
“Scientists are pawns, and will say anything for their paycheck.”