Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True? Part Two

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Think about it. God has no place in science. So atheists love that. It’s a way to prove God doesn’t exist and ignore, and confuse, those religious types. Atheism is the goal. Evolution has no scientific value. But it can influence people to think God does not exist.
So because some people try to get up an atheistic argument, Catholics should ridicule the science and tell everyone who will listen that it’s a fairy tale. Makes sense. :roll_eyes:
Honestly, what role did God play - you know, the theistic part.
That is your blind spot Ed. You want a role for God that fits neatly into a narrative you can readily understand. On date X the birds appeared, and on date X+1…
Ridicule is not the goal. Humans and apes had a common ancestor? I mean humans and apes have a similar body plan but that’s it.
God has no place in science because of what science is: the observation of our physical reality, and categorization of things, energy, and other physical properties.

So long as we can understand the physical rules and apply them in meaningful ways, the issue of God’s involvement in the creation of the Universe is mostly an aside.

The same goes with math-- you don’t really need to teach that 2+2=4 because God made it that way. Maybe He did, maybe He didn’t. But that’s not really relevant to the study of mathematics.
That’s the message I keep seeing – only science matters. God is just a word. It doesn’t mean anything now that science is the only source of knowledge. Science does some things, but is missing crucial information
See, i think this is the right approach sincerely study and learn everything you can, and if you believe in God, have faith that you are learning more about the mind, intentions or manifestations of God. No conflict required.

Making science the enemy isn’t likely to make it go away-- it’s likely to make religion irrelevant to an increasing number of people.
Science was never the enemy. I study it. But, regarding this particular subject, what’s so important about it? Why is it THE big debate, Part Two? I don’t see the scientific value of it as do other posters.
But, regarding this particular subject, what’s so important about it? Why is it THE big debate,
It’s not especially important. It’s only a “big debate” because despite overwhelming evidence, some people feel it needs to be denied. Why?
Okay. So I read about “theistic evolution” elsewhere but no one can define it. Something more specific than God did something would be good.

I’m under the impression that because of evolution, a land-dwelling animal can transform into a sea-dwelling animal. Why? Some pretty wild ideas.
Why? You haven’t been to any of the sites that write articles against the theory? Or read anything else about that?
Something more specific than God did something would be good.
I take it unless you have something precise to latch on to - like the genesis story: day X the birds, day X+1…, you’re not satisfied? And I assume day X needs a date too? Would that be 5-6000 years ago?
There is not a shred of evidence to indicate how a spiders web came to be designed the way it is.
Your lack or research is showing. Read Chapter Two of Dawkins’ “Climbing Mount Improbable” for coverage of the evolution of spiders’ webs.

I think it’s probably the only branch of science that seemingly comes into direct conflict with factual statements made in the Bible.

I’m comfortable with Adam and Eve as metaphor or parable. We do in fact come from the Earth, since it is 100% Earth minerals that we get through plants, meat, mother’s milk, etc. That Earth does in fact have life breathed into it, specifically by the Sun. It seems to me much more sensible to view the Bible as a literary work than to attempt to refute huge bodies of scientific study because it contradicts that part of the Bible.
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