Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True? Part Two

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What do you not get about random mutation and natural selection?

We talk about infusion. But, what do you think that means. I personally feel we are spirits infused with a body. When I was only one cell, I was still a person. That God took matter and gave it His Spirit, that’s what I happens whenever I eat a cheeseburger.

You asked how people cannot believe in the story, and that is all it is, of evolution. If you are serious, click on my icon and review what I’ve written. And this the third thread on the matter since the new format. But it was probably rhetorical.

Then voice your view of how God fits into evolution. I would honestly be interested in what you come up with. After all doing so opens your connection with Him.
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Genesis works on many levels. It is an ontological truth, describing the structure of our being as it is related to the world, to one another and the Ground of its being. It offers a wealth of insights in that regard. But, it’s more than a myth. The structure of existence that it reveals was established in time. Ultimately, it is a revelation of the Word of God, which fills every page of scripture and constitutes the dialogue between God and ourselves as individual persons participating together as a church, in and through Jesus Christ.

I could go on further on that theme, but I am here to clarify creation, to straighten out the science that’s gone astray. There exists one reality, which we individually understand within the context of our shared language and ideas. Since both the Church’s teachings and science are addressing the one reality, if they are understood to be in conflict, something must give. The problem lies in one’s own level of ignorance. As things are clarified in my own mind, I pass them on, for whatever they mean and are worth to others.

Speaking about the mind, it is interesting that it may not know itself. It is what it is, thinking, feeling, choosing and initiating actions, all as one person, who exists in relation to everything that is other, including the component parts that can be disassociated from one’s wholeness in the world. The mind seeks theories to explain itself, creating dichotomies and syntheses and in the end is simply being itself. And, that’s where reality is to be found - a creature existing as other, in loving relation to its Source - eternal Being, Love as the Triune Godhead with whom we become one and ourselves, returning in and through Jesus Christ as we emerged at our beginnings individually and as one mankind.
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It seems to me much more sensible to view the Bible as a literary work than to attempt to refute huge bodies of scientific study because it contradicts that part of the Bible.
It does not contradict any part of the Bible. It contradicts some interpretations of part of the Bible, but does not contradict different interpretations of the same part of the Bible.

The problem is not with the Bible per se, but with some interpretations of the Bible. Galileo’s problems arose from the interpretation of some Bible passages, which were taken to mean that the earth was static while the sun moved. The problem was resolved not by changing the Bible text, but by changing the interpretation of that same Bible text.

You are correct that there is a huge body of scientific work that contradicts the more literal interpretations of the text.

I don’t think the random mutations of evolution are as random as atheists believe. I see them as being designed/caused by God, and also directed to make the animal more fitting for its environment rather than detrimental.
And a talking donkey is not a “fantastic tale”? Motes and beams apply here I think.

I pointed out a lack of evidence for a claim.
You attacked it with a swipe at my research ability by pointing to something that still lacks evidence.
Now you wish to deflect.

Either you have evidence or you do not.
Fantastic tales do not provide evidence.
Only evidence does.
This is one of my points. Just because there are environmental pressures doesn’t mean those aren’t arranged. Just because their are seemingly random mutations doesn’t mean they aren’t predestined.

There’s plenty of room for religious ideas in coordination with science.
I pointed out a lack of evidence for a claim.
No you did not. You refused to read the reference I gave you. The evidence exists, but you want to pretend that it doesn’t so you didn’t bother to read it.

I referenced Dawkins because he writes for a general audience. The scientific literature itself is more difficult to follow because it uses a lot more technical vocabulary. However, if you really want to see the raw scientific evidence, then there are over 36,000 links here.

Science has the evidence whether or not you want to look at it.

DNA is a record of the interactions between organisms and the environment. The gap is a little further down the line than that: right now, QM quirkiness would be a good place to look, IMO.
Is the sun spewing information out?
Yes. It provides both information and energy. The energy is useful for temporarily counteracting entropy locally. The information tells us about the composition of the sun.

Are you aware that information is not a conserved quantity? Processes can increase information as well as decrease information.

Science has the evidence whether or not [one] want to look at it.

And the evidence is overwhelming to the point whereas there really is no longer any doubt whatsoever within the international scientific community that life on Earth has indeed evolved. By and large, as you well know, the only real push-back comes from those who take a literalistic approach to the scriptures.

One of the greatest Jewish sages, Maimonides, said that much of the first dozen or so chapters in Genesis should largely be taken as allegory, thus not literally, even though there are undoubtedly some historical facts within them. He went on to say that it’s the teachings of basic Jewish morals and values that are important, not whether the events within these chapters are historically accurate.
DNA is a record of the interactions between organisms and the environment.
It is possible to analyse evolution as a process which copies information from the environment into the DNA of organisms living in that environment. Random mutations make small changes to the DNA and natural selection preserves and duplicates copies of the DNA that best matches the environment. Repeated over many generations, the information is transferred into the organisms’ DNA.

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