Evolution is a good description of how that happens.
I’m serious, because to me it isn’t even good science. I may be better able to explain my issues with it if you explain what you think is good about its description. We can all learn from this, even if we don’t end up agreeing.
How would you know evolution is not good science, especially in light of it’s acceptance as a general explanation of a natural process, even by Popes?
If you’re a credentialed scientist that has groundbreaking material, the onus is on you to show why the general, almost universal, scientific community is so wrong.
If not, what difference would it make for me to lay out elementary scientific principles?This is a matter of you educating yourself in basic science.
That is your responsibility, not mine.
You seem more interested in discussing me rather than the OP - Is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution True?
So let’s get personal; to answer your questions:
I know using my God-given intellect.
When I’ve read various comments made by Popes on the matter, they seem to give voice to thoughts that I hadn’t yet been able to express. In other words, I find no contradiction in thinking that Evolutionary Theory is bad science and believing that science can illuminate the truth.
That’s not how science works. There isn’t the intellectual solidarity that you describe. I’m guessing you read none of Buffalo’s really interesting articles. At any rate, consensus is hardly the definition of truth.
Just to get the credentials out of the way, in a bankers box with crushed sides, nestled among others, there an early edition of James Watson’s textbook
Molecular Biology of the Gene, part of the reference material for a course taken long ago. In other words, I’ve been doing science for a long time. I don’t consider it a burden to be here discussing these matters with you. I do feel it is sort of a responsibility to share. As to the bigger picture, i may be cynical, but just as in entering politics, one most likely will surrender one’s principles to advance, in science, one has to conform. There’s a freedom of thought that is permitted in a vehicle such as this that is rare in academia. Whatever, this is fun.
I thought you might have a point of view that you wished to share and explore. We can if it’s too much of a bother to do otherwise, but we don’t just have to accept what we are told. If there is a question, it will be answered to our satisfaction, eventually that is.