Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True?

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They were humanoid animals like the apes. Early drawings of Neanderthals became strangely more human as time passed. A certain number of modern humans have Neanderthal genes so Neanderthals were human. If you examine the cranial differences between current Orientals, Caucasoids and Negroids, you will see what I mean. It’s easy to find and the differences are - to me - surprisingly dramatic, but all are human beings. The encyclical, Humani Generis, states two individuals were our first parents. There were no ‘near humans.’
The Neanderthals represented variation in kind. Like Orientals and Negroids. Take China. Northern Chinese do not look like southern Chinese.
What about the fossil record and the lineage of human ancestors (australopithecines, Homo erectus, Homo habilis) that anthropologists have painstakingly assembled from it? Do you think that is simply a hoax? What were these creatures if they weren’t our ancestors?
I’m puzzled by what the term ancestors represents in reality. I don’t think it is anything other than a component of self-identity. Physically speaking, by no means are you and I emergent from what were our parents, some sort of multicellular bacterium. All the stuff that makes up our material being was once something else, ultimately formed in some fashion or other from what went on inside a sun. Every bit of the infinitesimal collection of interconnected organic molecules that were offered by our parents’ bodies and came together to form the seed from which we individually arose, is long gone. What binds parent and child is not blood, but love. We are all brethren under one Father, He who through His Spirit grants us this existence, journeying along the Way that is His Son.
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There ya go. One picture is worth millions of years… uh, a thousand words.
If it met the scientific standard, it would not be a theory. The “missing link” as with all conspiracy theories, condemns it, in my mind.
You didn’t have to comb your hair back then. Well, at least a few didn’t.
The Hebrew people didn’t take Genesis as a work of literal science? I don’t take it as “literal science” either - I take it as literal history. The Genesis creation accounts can’t be interpreted as any kind of science, because what’s being described is the miracle of creation. Miracles can only be described in terms of what happened (history), not in terms of how it happened (science).

How do you think the Hebrew people viewed Genesis?
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There are many fields of applied science which contribute to supporting the theory of evolution, radiocarbon dating comes to mind.
This has nothing to do with my claim that there are no uses in applied science for the theory that all life on earth evolved from microbes.
The words “according to their kinds” in Genesis 1 suggests a fixity of “kinds”. If the original “kinds” evolved over billions of years into creatures that are nothing at all like the original “kinds”, there would be no point in the Scripture saying all creatures were created “according to their kinds”.
you like literal, try this on for size:
There is literally no one in the leadership of the Catholic Church that believes evolution is a hoax. I know of no serious Catholic scholars that believe evolution is a hoax.

You might want to consider that you are setting yourself against the Church’s view of nature. As expressed by saints like St John Paul 2. Why would you set yourself against the Catholic Church? That would give me cause to look in the mirror and examine my motivations.
The Church and individual Catholics are infallible when it comes to science? I didn’t know that!

Plus there’s and old saying: a million wrongs don’t make a right.

The Church teaches that the faithful are free to belive in a literal six days interpretation of Genesis.

Sadly, the Church is in the same boat as you - a victim of the greatest hoax in the history of mankind.
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So after all 000000000 these years we still can’t see Darwin’s theory in action.Chicken still producing only Chicken…Pigs still producing only Pigs … Crows still producing only Crows…
Try this: Consume a great deal of LSD and then wave the magic, “billions of years” wand around in a vigorous and maniacal manner. This might help you see how Darwinist nonsense can miraculously turn in fact.
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Sure but wouldn’t Darwin’s theory account for this? Eyes evolved to take advantage of visible light…something that many many types of species would have been exposed to no? I personally don’t believe that the physical world is a random event, but the biological world is guided by God’s creation. In this model, you can have random mutation, guided by a created world.
Guided by a created world? Is this the same as guided by God?
That sounds suspiciously like evidence of creation, not evolution. No wonder Gould and Eldredge came up with a theory (PE) to help explain away such inconvenient truths.
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What about the fossil record and the lineage of human ancestors (australopithecines, Homo erectus, Homo habilis) that anthropologists have painstakingly assembled from it? Do you think that is simply a hoax?
The “lineages” you refer to are the products of human imagination.

Richard C. Lewontin, Prof. of Zoology, Harvard: “Look, I’m a person who says in this book [Human Diversity, 1982], that we don’t know anything about the ancestors of the human species. All the fossils that have been dug up and are claimed to be ancestors, we haven’t the faintest idea whether they are ancestors … All you’ve got is Homo sapiens there, you’ve got that fossil there, you’ve got another fossil there … and it’s up to you to draw the lines. Because there are no lines.”

It is a hoax perpetrated by Satan. The humans who have fallen for this deception are unaware that they are victims of a massive, very elaborate demonic hoax … they actually believe this Darwinist nonsense.
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