Nonsense. The case for evolution (modern synthesis) is crumbling. Need I list the ways?
ThanksPay attention to the latest findings. Check out the Royal Society proceedings.
The death of NeoDarwinism, No Selfish Gene
“The genome… is best described as a database used by organisms to generate the functions that you and I and others study as physiology.”
“We inherit much more than DNA”
“The number of possible interactions , the number of possible circuits you could form 25,000 genes is 10^70,000. There wouldn’t be enough time over the whole billions of years of the evolution of life on earth for nature to have explored but more than a tiny fraction of those.”
On Dawkins and the selfish gene - “He is totally confused.” “He has misused a metaphor” “He [Dawkins] is philosophically naive and I am afraid he has misled many people for a very considerable period of time.” 40 minutes in
“There are no good or bad genes”
“There are reasons those genes are there”
“The great majority of people we are talking to were educated in biology 30 or 40 years ago and they really have no idea of the sea change that has occurred.”
“the house of cards, the citadel if you like is empty, but many people still do not know that.” 54 min
Watch the video here - IDvolution.org: The death of NeoDarwinism, No Selfish Gene
So, it’s kinda like a tooth falling out and having something weird growing in its place ?Right, they are a loss of function or information that was there before.
So, it’s kinda like a tooth falling out and having something weird growing in its place ?Right, they are a loss of function or information that was there before.
A mole is more what you’d get when something goes wrong, a mutation in cell function.yeah, say a mole…
So I suppose it would take billions of just the right kind of mutations (if there is such a thing) one after the other, for billions of years to slowly form the world we see today.yeah, say a mole…
And the most amazing thing is even after being extinct 65 million years ago, they were still able to give us the McChicken sandwich.Thanks go to Techno for the funny jpg.
Some of us longer than that. It was always known that the Theory of Evolution had major flaws. In his book Life Itself: Its Origins and Nature, published in 1981, Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the double helix, hypothesized that life originated on earth when primitive spores were sent to earth by a higher civilization. There’s a problem as to how this all started. If one is a materialist, it has to have been visitors from other planets.“The great majority of people we are talking to were educated in biology 30 or 40 years ago and they really have no idea of the sea change that has occurred.”