I’m not at all interested in evolutionary explanations, as they represent junk science.
Sounds scientific, but it’s just a story
There is however a great deal of supporting evidence. Enough to make science accept the theory, provisionally, unless and until a better theory is found.
The theory that all life on earth evolved from microbes doesn’t need evidence to be accepted. It’s an a priori position taken by the scientific community, which is a free-for-all for athesits.
I can’t disagree with you here, but I do prefer a story with a different time-line while equally fitting revealed truth.
“Evolution” must be the weirdest word. I pretend to know what people are talking about, but I really don’t understand.
Darwin actually did not use the word in his original text, referring instead to “transmutations”. This would make more sense since the term evolution usually implies a progression in complexity, some sort of growth and Darwinism resting on a material foundation, proposes no mechanism in nature to explain why this fact, clear to any observer, must be so. I can’t grasp how intelligent people can consider that mere happenstance is a sufficient explanation as to how there would have once been dirt, followed by microbes, then bugs and plants, and now us, sitting here at our computers.
The other problem I have with the concept has to do with what would be evolving. We’ve got a collection of atoms, arranged into molecules, and at some point they spontaneously organize themselves into different shapes such that they begin to interact to form proteins, which in turn form the structure and processes that constitute a cell. Really?! And, a particular bunch that codes for the proteins is acted upon serendipitously by other complex molecules to produce other molecules identical to themselves. Let’s ignore the bizarreness, in its inadequacy, of this belief; the question remains for me, what is it that would be evolving. Clearly it is not the first molecule. I suppose it would have to be the earth, with some inherent will that would have fashioned all this from itself. Pantheism makes more sense than evolutionary theory.
What is also obvious is that individual creatures exist in their own right. It’s easy for those with cats, or dogs or horses to know this. Many people even hope to be reunited with their pets in heaven. The story of evolution is nowhere even close to addressing this reality, let alone all that is involved in the simplest human activity, the daily trip to work or to the market. Pretty much all reality disappears once the filter of evolutionary theory is applied to an understanding of life. Life itself is intellectually murdered, transformed into dusty chemicals.