Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True?

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That is talking about human parents, animals are not included in that definition. Adam and Eve could have had animal parents but not human parents, neither Genesis or Doctrine rules that out as far as I see.
Animals can give birth to a human? Wow. How does that fit into the theory of evolution? And I wonder why God chose “the last Adam” to be born of Mary, when he just have easily used a chimp.
About as far you can go with this is…Selective Breeding. You can only extrapolate and speculate if this might cause random mutations to create whole new species of animals.
Where do you think horses came from, Techno? Humans bred them from cows over thousands of years. And chimps evolved so fast in the 20th century that they beat humans into space!
How do they know how to build a honeycomb?
How do they know to build honeycomb cells in hexagonal shapes? They must have engineering degrees.
Random Mutations can do it all !!!
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Actually you seems to follow the scientism ideology
I like to call it atheist theology or atheology (despite the oxymoron). A lot of atheists study evolution like some Christians study the Bible.
A typical dodge. Whether atheists or religious, who does science doesn’t matter. However, after years of posting here, evolution has only one value - propaganda, or psychological warfare. This is only about creating arguments and stories designed to confuse the work of God and to put this theory wholly into the materialist realm.
How about the sleep part?

21 Then, Yahweh God made the man fall into a deep sleep. And, while he was asleep, he took one of his ribs and closed the flesh up again forthwith.

22 Yahweh God fashioned the rib he had taken from the man into a woman, and brought her to the man.
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Anything. 100% anything. Like building a watch while blind and having no idea where the parts go. I wouldn’t write fiction that was infinitely flexible.
Pope Pius XII taught in his encyclical that "the teaching authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions . . . take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter—[but] the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God
I predict that when she finally comes to her senses, Holy Mother Church will infallibly declare that Adam’s body was created from inanimate matter in an instant - just as Genesis 2:7 says it did. Then it will be goodbye evolution and good riddance.
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Figuratively, not necessarily literally as the Catechism teaches, "The account of the fall in Genesis 3 uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man. " (CCC 390).
In my opinion, when it comes to the origins of man and Genesis, the CCC has been corrupted by Scientism. In this respect, it is not a reliable source of sound Catholic teaching. Its bias towards the evolutionary paradigm is painfully obvious.

For example, as far as I know, nowhere in the entire CCC does it say that Catholics are free to believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis - on the contrary, there is an obvious and untraditional emphasis on a figurative or symbolic interpretation. The reason for this is clear - it facilitates the acceptance of evolution.
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My point exactly, thank you @LeafByNiggle ! Forcing God to only work miracles to create Adam and Eve ignores the beauty and design of nature. God normally works through nature, rarely through miracles. It is more reasonable and easier to imagine evolution than to imagine clay suddenly becoming all the compounds and elements a human body contains. Even the Eucharist doesn’t do that.
God Almighty created the entire universe out of NOTHING and you have trouble believing God created Adam from dirt? That does not compute.

btw, “Adam” is Hebrew for “ground”, not “humanoid”.
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the CCC has been corrupted by Scientism
So we are led to believe you are more of an authority than the Catechism of the Catholic Church? You know better than the Catholic Church.

Who died (or resigned) and made you Pope?
God Almighty created the entire universe out of NOTHING and you have trouble believing God created Adam from dirt?
Who said I have trouble believing that, I believe it was dirt, but came to be something else in between, before transforming into Adam.
I predict that when she finally comes to her senses, Holy Mother Church will infallibly declare that Adam’s body was created from inanimate matter in an instant - just as Genesis 2:7 says it did. Then it will be goodbye evolution and good riddance.
Speculation, you don’t know the future. What do you have against evolution, seriously?
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