Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True?

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All of these very basic questions about biology can be answered by a little internet research.
Right, all very basic vague explanations…nature selections…random mutations…survival of the fittest…
If you don’t want “vague” then try Google Scholar: here. That gives you 5,700,000 links to extremely detailed scientific papers.

Classifying the humanoids as pre-existing matter rather than of ancestors fits with the teaching of the church. Unless the clay is our ancestor too.
Original Sin was not figurative. And that is why man needed a Redeemer after the Fall.
That’s a straw man and irrelevant, of course original sin happened. Go and learn the meaning of figurative as it applies to the Bible.
Now we have a very reasonable situation whereby the chickens that are the worst flyers get eaten (just like the bear eats the slowest runner) so all the bad flyers are taken out of the gene pool. Just as all the dogs who are bad climbers are taken out as well.
You are looking at this through the lens of how man treats man in this society. People stepping on people to get to the top.The poor and weak cast aside for the rich and powerful.Darwin and you are trying to extrapolate and apply this to the animal kingdom. There were no worse flyers and half ass runners. Everything was created to fill it’s own niche in Nature.
Yes, but how this literally and empirically happened is what is of interest in debating evolution. The idea that Adam came from Eve in some way doesn’t disprove pre-existing material for her either. Obviously she is not a rib but a complete human being which is more than bone and marrow. Rib in Hebrew has other connotations as well.
Clear Church teaching tells us God formed Eve from Adam’s side. She was not born in any conventional way.
The man gave names to all the cattle, all the birds of heaven and all the wild animals. But no helper suitable for the man was found for him.

21 Then, Yahweh God made the man fall into a deep sleep. And, while he was asleep, he took one of his ribs and closed the flesh up again forthwith.

22 Yahweh God fashioned the rib he had taken from the man into a woman, and brought her to the man.

23 And the man said: This one at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh! She is to be called Woman, because she was taken from Man.
Depends on what you mean by that, what about homo naledi, looks more than half human by all common measures.
Formed from Adams side does not rule out absolutely birth from a missing link animal ancestor.
Clear Church teaching tells us God formed Eve from Adam’s side. She was not born in any conventional way.
The literal interpretation of “from his side” is not binding Church doctrine. I know it says that in the bible, but the Church does not insist on that degree of literal interpretation of Genesis.
Okay, using all the church doctrine, to the best of your knowledge, imagine the scene of genesis. How would you describe what you saw, when God forms Adam and Eve, in the most empirical and scientific manner possible.
Okay, using all the church doctrine, to the best of your knowledge, imagine the scene of genesis. How would you describe what you saw, when God forms Adam and Eve, in the most empirical and scientific manner possible.
You can’t, it happen supernaturally, which is beyond human understanding and reasoning.
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You can’t, it happen supernaturally which is beyond human understanding and reasoning.
All things that happened in history that can be witnessed by human beings can be described in an empirical manner.

You can describe what it would have looked like, couldn’t you?
You can’t, it happen supernaturally which is beyond human understanding and reasoning.
All things that happened in history that can be witnessed by human beings can be described in an empirical manner.

You can describe what it would have looked like, couldn’t you?
There is private revelations about this subject,I have to find it, do you want hear about it ?
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