Am I the only one who finds it so incredibly ODD that there are people here (especially people who call themselves Christians or Catholic) who DON’T believe in the existence of demons? 5 pages of debate on this topic? In a “Christian” forum???
Seriously, if you don’t believe in it, what are you doing at church then?
The supernatural goes BOTH ways. Good or bad. Why do people always chalk this stuff up to lunacy? Why do they never discuss it or talk about it freely? I think its lunacy NOT to believe in the supernatural, and those who don’t have cold dead worldly hearts. There has always been since the beginning of humanity documented events that point to the supernatural being real. This does not mean that everything deemed supernatural is real, as yes, people can play with science and technology to create effects, and yes, individuals can be mentally ill or having delusions. And yes, there were times when because of ignorance about certain natural events people mistook them as supernatural. (Which I believe still can happen this day and age) But just like how my two friends and I saw a cat run across a road and disappear, (a ghost cat) you can’t tell me the supernatural isn’t real. No such thing as 3 people hallucinating the same thing at the same time. Especially when it wasn’t prompted by anything like suggestive talk.
People never talk about it with others freely. That’s always been very strange to me. Especially when I hear Christians touting themselves being Christian… you’d think they’d discuss it for fear someone’s soul might get led astray. The Bible speaks of ‘testing the spirits to see if they are from God’… well who knows anymore how to do that now that we’ve hushed all those old believer’s concerns and chalked it up to superstition, old age lunacy? I tell you those who do anger God. I have no doubts about it.
I believe this is serious reason why churches keep loosing believers to the New Age practices... The churches have basically made everything so mundane and secular, there is nothing supernatural about worshiping God anymore. Just coffee, doughnuts, scripture, sermon and conversation on Sunday and rush home to catch the game on tv. New Age is practically the only thing out there that offers some sort of sense of the supernatural. I'd be willing to bet that all those would-be nuns and would-be monks friars and brothers have gone to it instead of the dry, we-want-"god"-but-not-the-creepy-scary-stuff-that-goes-with-it church. :mad: A church that doesn't believe in the supernatural is a dead church.
Jesus says if you are LUKEWARM he’ll spit you out of His mouth. Jesus Himself mentions demons as being real. If you say you are a Christian, why would you not believe what HE says? Doing anything else is lukewarm!!! **You should not call yourself a believer or a Christian if you don’t. **