Time has ended at death. There are no more opportunities for the mind or soul to grow in understanding. The person has made his choice. He has entered the eternal “now”–for him he will be as he was at death forever. One cannot be raped when one has decided to enter into hell. There is no injustice being done to anyone in hell. They are lost through their own decisions, made with full knowledge and full will. And that is the determing factor.You say the church teaching is clear. I agree. But there is a sense in Scriptural Authority that angelic forces are involved at the time of death. Archangel Michael, for example, is mentioned in Jude. And the angels in the Genesis account of Sodom and Gomorrah. This means to me that hell is not fully resolved by the soul by the mere loss of consciousness at death, but by a choice to “assent” to its depravity. Just as it may take years to assent to the baptismal vow, or even to become aware of it, so at death time might very well be indeterminate. In that case, though the body may well be in hell, and the mind too, if the will has not consented to the depravity of hell, a soul is raped in the fire once said to be lost in the fire.
Purgatory, on the other hand, is more what you are describing, although no “rape” is taking place there any more than in hell. The person in purgatory is on the doorstep of full union with God–this is the place God shows his mercy most for many who were not culpable of mortal sin will probably go there, rather than to hell. Simply having committed a mortal sin doesn’t automatically condemn anyone to hell. It must be a mortal sin, the person must know it’s a mortal sin, and then commit it of his own free will.
The sufferings of hell are self-inflicted. The devils share this same self-inflicted suffering when they made their choice to rebel against God. As sentient beings both humans and angels have free will. God will not take their free will from them even if they don’t want his mercy–for humans that is up until the moment of death, for angels–they made their decision when they were created.