I once visited a powerful wizard who ruled over an island in the middle of the ocean far away from any other land. This island was a wonderful and peaceful place, and the wizard was acknowledged by all the inhabitants as a wise and good ruler. He had several simple rules, and if any of the islanders transgressed the rules, he would punish them. However, the citizens of this fair island could repent of their transgressions at any time, any number of times, and all would be forgiven, and peace would return to the island once again.
One of the wizard’s rules was “do not swim off of the island so far that you can’t get back to shore.” It seemed like a wise and obvious rule. However, I asked the wizard: what happens when an islander breaks this rule?" The wizard replied: “They kick, scream, and exhaust themselves as they drown, gasping for air and gulping down sea water in mortal terror.” I asked, “do you use your magic to help them back to shore?” He frowned, closed his eyes, and whispered his reply: “No, I let them drown, screaming and choking, again and again, each time bringing them back from the edge of death with my magic, as they drift farther and farther away from the island, never to return. They chose to swim away from shore, despite my warnings, and they must suffer the natural consequences.” The old man then let out a deep sigh, and gingerly sat upon his throne. A long and deep silence enveloped us both as I stood, appalled at the cruelty of this seemingly benevolent magician. “There is unfortunately nothing I can do,” he continued, “you know, free will and so on.”
Suddenly, a peal of shrill laughter erupted from the frail old man and reverberated throughout the ostentatious throne room. Even the statues seemed to cringe at the sound. “Yes, yes! Natural consequences! Of course!”
“What is so funny?” I asked. Before I could finish the question, the wizard was off running to the spiral stair case in the center of the throne room. “Come!” he barked with excitement. I rushed after him and climbed what seemed to be hundreds of flights of stairs until we came to the top of the lookout tower. Gasping for air I exclaimed, “What? What is it?” “Silence!” he shouted with a deep and forceful tone. I looked out of the tower and saw what appeared to be black dots far away on the horizon, floating just above the water line. In the quiet at the top of the tower, on a beautiful, clear day with only the slightest breeze coming from the north, I could make out the faintest of sounds. Like the memory of an echo, it floated gently to my ears.
Screaming. Wailing. Gnashing of teeth. Gurgling. Drowning. Spitting. Kicking. Splashing. All of this combined into a intense but barely audible din, like the sound of a far off train.
Without turning to me, the wizard stepped toward the edge of the tower and raised his outstretched arms toward the ocean. He spoke: “Do you see my children? Do you see how I love them very much? They disobeyed me, and yet I love them so much I nearly exhaust myself keeping them alive out there. I am getting tired friend, I have only so much depth of magical power, and since the great majority of my children choose to swim away from the island, I grow ever more weary each day sustaining them.”
Numb with horror, I stood totally frozen, unable to speak. "He swirled suddenly toward me and peered directly into my eyes. “Would you like to replace me, my friend? I will teach you the secrets of my magic, and you will sustain all of my children scattered across the sea, forever. Their screams will be like sweet music, soothing you to sleep at night and waking you with the sunrise.”
Almost as if involuntarily, I shouted with ferocious intensity: “You are NO ONE’s friend!” as I ran with great speed and plunged from the tower into the ocean. I swam away from that island with as much energy as I could muster, gasping for air and desperately trying to escape. Fortunately, a kindly old seafarer in a large, weathered, wooden boat filled with many animals was able to pick me up and take me back to the mainland.
I suppose, over the years, the old wizard had gone insane with either grief or loneliness, perhaps both. I do sometimes wonder whatever ended up happening to him and the island. Hopefully he has long since died, and the immense suffering of his citizens has come to an end. May none of us ever happen upon that cursed place!