Your overall response is not so much a reasoned response, as a visceral reaction against an answer that reeked of decadence and spiritual decadence, that reeked of the culture of death that entombs our society.You speak as if God is a choice. God is not a choice, faith is a choice, and faith may not be a way to God. You sound like someone who is interpreting things through piety, not reason.
And that I submit, is all the reason that life needs. It is not a reasoned response that keeps us alive, but a visceral one that we share with rabbits and cockroaches, bacteria, trees and all of life.
We don’t life because it is reasonable, logical proposition to do so, but according to the same visceral response that would have a coyote chewing his paw off in a trap rather than succumbing to the freezing cold.
The spirit of life flowing through a ferret is not the choice of the ferret. Indeed though man can reject Spirit. Only man among the life forms may reason that life is hardly worth the effort. and relative to the reason one has for living, we are all like Job, without a reason not to just curse God and die.
God gives Job no reason why, only faith to believe when there was no longer any reason to believe in anything, to believe in spite of the loss of all relative reasons that make life worthwhile.