While he lived and worked in a capitalist society he would not subscribe to any earthly ideals which is waht all these are, capitalism, socialism, communism, they are all limited earthly viewpoints. Jesus could fill any of them but I prefer simply to see him as my savior. I suppose your view is that he taught the only way into the kingdom is through capitalism. Wellthat would be wrong.
A poor man, with no hope of escaping his situation, could not afford healthcare, nor afford insurance… So, he applied to the government for free healthcare and thus he had his healthcare put on the government’s tab. Socialist view right?
A poor man with limited means of escaping his situation, could not afford healthcare and could scant afford insurance. So, helabored hard so he could afford insurance at the expense of other luxuries, and thus earned insurance through his own merits. Capitalist view, right?
Substitute a few words. Poor = sinful, situation = state of sin, healthcare = salvation, insurance = the path to salvation, the government = God. Now reread the story.
A sinful man, with no hope of escaping his state of sin, could not afford salvation, nor afford the path to salvation. So, he applied to God for free salvation and thus he had his salvation put on God’s tab. Protestant view right?
A sinful man with limited means of escaping his state of sin, could not afford salvation and could scant afford the path to salvation. So, he labored hard so he could afford the path to salvation at the expense of other luxuries, and thus earned the path of salvation through his own merits. Catholic view, right?
Goofyjim, I think you are showing symptoms of OSAS.
God bless