Could be that God is the One Who decides just what He will “spend His time” on, don’t you think?This is a pleasant analogy, but it seems to contradict with common sense.
Would God seriously waste his time trying to save a person who is undeniably dammed for eternity?
Could also be that God doesn’t see it as a “waste of time”!
And as far as “it seems to contradict with common sense”, wasn’t it God Who reportedly said, “My Ways are not your ways and My Thoughts are not your thoughts”?
Could be that some of what we see as “common sense” is seen by God as utter foolishness.
As far as “We *already *know what Heaven and Hell is like!!”, you may speak for yourself if you like but I do not think that you can speak for the other billions of people.Agreed. While on Earth, we taste appetizers, or the first-fruits, of both Heaven and Hell. When one glories in the fruits of peace, he will reap peace and reveal his desire for eternal peace. When one glories in the fruits of strife, he will reap the fruits of strife and reveal his desire for eternal strife.
If you wish to experience the happiness of Heaven, remember how happy you were when you went on your first date, the peace you felt when your debts were paid, and the pride bursting within you when your children succeed.
If you wish to experience the horror of Hell, then experience negative feelings: murderous thoughts, “I want to tear out his heart!” envy, why can’t I be like him…and lust. She’s incredibly beautiful. More money, more…You already know what Hell is like. Do you wish to fall into it?
Hence why no one is excused when they’re judged. We *already *know what Heaven and Hell is like!!
People can think of nice things and people can think of unnice things but as far as “things of heaven and hell”, I would say that NO ONE can imagine or conceive of either on their own, only God can give anyone an insight into either.