All I can tell you is I have tried my darnedest to have a good relationship with God and I am pathetically unhappy with my life. I see people all around me who are happy - with or without God - and I’m not one of them.
Prove to me that God doesn’t hate me.
I could be wrong but I think that the number of people that are happy or happy with their life is a lot smaller than mere appearances would suggest.
I can not “prove” to you nor can anyone else “prove” to you that God either hates or loves you, at least that is my opinion.
I also can not “prove” to you that God is NOT a loving God even tho I believe this to be true.
I believe that there is a difference, a big difference, between God being a loving God and God being a Being of Love.
I also believe that no human being can possibly understand God being a Being of Love, I know that I don’t understand it and the only reason that I can say it is because I have met God the Father and in that meeting, I came to the realization that God, indeed, is a Being of Love.
I have a “job” that God chose me to do and I am trying to do it even tho I do NOT know just how to do it.
If I was to say that I am “happy”, I would be, to put it mildly, a liar.
I have a great deal of respect for what Mother Theresa did, in all aspects of her work, and from what I have heard since she died, I would say that Mother Theresa was not “happy” but, thank God, she somehow was able to hang in there.
Mother Theresa was/is not the only one, by far, that finds this world to be quite different from those that go around with “rose-colored glasses” on.
There is a lot of good in the world but, to say the least, it is NOT perfect.
To me the world is quite a sad place and if one were to honestly open their eyes to the world, not just their back yards so to speak, I don’t know how they could see it differently.
I have said this before and I repeat it, I can NOT see how any thinking person could believe that any one of their fellow human beings could go to hell for ever and ever and ever and ever and… and think that this is something to be thankful for, this is absolutely disgusting to me.
Being chastised, being punished is one thing but going to a “horror” beyond human understanding for ever and ever and…, is, in my opinion, being worse than any human being could possibly be since human being’s horrible treatment of their fellow human beings does have an “end” to it.
If God is even remotely like what some seem to think and, sad to say, some even seem to be rooting for than I hope, pray, beg and beseech God to completely and utterly destroy me, to unexist me.
Those that say that it is better to exist in hell than to go out of existence do NOT have a clue.