Astonishing for a Catholic to believe he’s never had, at least a glimpse, of the Beatific Vision. One would think this Catholic had never been to Mass. Had never received Him and become One Flesh with Him in the Eucharist. Or had never been in love.
As CS Lewis said: “All your life an unattainable ecstasy has hovered just beyond the grasp of your consciousness. The day is coming when you will wake to find, beyond all hope, that you have attained it—or else that it was within your grasp and you have lost it forever”
You wrote, "As far as, “God would not impose upon them His Beatific Vision if they find it so repugnant.”
I replied, “This sure seems to be pulled out of thin air by you and/or others, since how could one find the Beatific Vision “so repugnant” if they never had it?”
You then replied, “Astonishing for a Catholic to believe he’s never had, at least a glimpse, of the Beatific Vision. One would think this Catholic had never been to Mass. Had never received Him and become One Flesh with Him in the Eucharist. Or had never been in love.”
You wrote concerning all humanity and I answered concerning all humanity than your answer was concerning me and me alone, why?
This does not answer the observation that I made at all.
Do you think that ALL have had a glimpse of the “Beatific Vision”?
I don’t know just what the “Beatific Vision” is but from what some write about the “Beatific Vision”, it seems that some think/believe that it is staring at God for Eternity, is this also the way that you envision the “Beatific Vision” to be?
Would you consider meeting Dad and coming to the realization that the statement, God Is Love, to be quite literal, to be “a glimpse, of the Beatific Vision”?
I never thought of it that way, I was, to put it mildly, quite surprised and it made me realize that something as simple and profound as the very Nature of God could be revealed and that only thru it being revealed could it be “known” as opposed to “believed”.
It seems as if quite a few people think that believe and know are one and the same word or at least mean the exact same thing, I am NOT one of these people.
Just because C S Lewis wrote something does not mean that it is “truth set in stone”, does it?