Is God a kind, loving God or a mean, vengeful God?

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You can? Silly me, I’ve been praying about this when I should have been talking to you. :rolleyes:
Hi Randy,

Sometimes our prayer is enhanced by seeking help from people around us. I offered to help you forgive, and I was sincere in the offer.

If this offended you, I apologize.

Please, forgive the Palestinians. If you need help, get help. Yes, God can help, and He speaks to us through others. I am not the one to be helping you, obviously, so seek help from your pastor or a friend. But please, do not give up on forgiving others.

Peace, brother, and thanks for your responses.
Tom, Tom, Tom.

I find so many of your posts from the past so open and insightful. Are you really saying that Islam was founded by satan? Please, say it isn’t so…

Thanks, and have a good Sunday.🙂
If Jesus Is Who He says He IS and if the god of islam says what I believe he says about Jesus than it should be obvious who the god of islam is.

Quite a few seem to think/believe that having the “right” religion, belonging to the “right” religion or words to that effect is the “ticket”, so to speak, whereas God, as I said, is a searcher of hearts and minds, not of religious affiliations or lack thereof and It is important what one does and why one does it and what one knows.

If Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate than Christianity simply does not exist since the most basic belief of Christianity is that God became One of us.

Unless I have gotten it wrong, the god of islam not only says that Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate but gets quite upset if anyone else claims that Jesus Is God-Incarnate, is this so or isn’t it?
If Jesus Is Who He says He IS and if the god of islam says what I believe he says about Jesus than it should be obvious who the god of islam is.

Quite a few seem to think/believe that having the “right” religion, belonging to the “right” religion or words to that effect is the “ticket”, so to speak, whereas God, as I said, is a searcher of hearts and minds, not of religious affiliations or lack thereof and It is important what one does and why one does it and what one knows.

If Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate than Christianity simply does not exist since the most basic belief of Christianity is that God became One of us.

Unless I have gotten it wrong, the god of islam not only says that Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate but gets quite upset if anyone else claims that Jesus Is God-Incarnate, is this so or isn’t it?
It is important not be an extremist. Muslims have great respect for Jesus:
Isa Ibn Maryam ( Arabic: عيسى, translit.: ʿĪsā ), known as Jesus in the New Testament, is considered to be a Messenger of God and al-Masih (the Messiah) in Islam[1][2]:30 who was sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā’īl) with a new scripture, al-Injīl (the Gospel).[3] The belief that Jesus is a prophet is required in Islam. This is reflected in the fact that he is clearly a significant figure in the Qur’an, appearing in 93 ayaat (or verses), though Noah, Adam and Moses appear with even greater frequency.[4] It states that Jesus was born to Mary (Arabic: Maryam) as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God (Arabic: Allah). To aid in his ministry to the Jewish people, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles (such as healing the blind, bringing dead people back to life, etc.) which no other prophet in Islam has ever been credited with, all by the permission of God rather than of his own power. Muslims believe that Jesus will return to earth near the Day of Judgment to restore justice and to defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal (“the false messiah”, also known as the Antichrist).
  • wikipedia
They are far closer to the truth than many anti-religious and inhuman “humanists” in our secular society who advocate abortion and euthanasia.
It is important not be an extremist. Muslims have great respect for Jesus:
  • wikipedia
They are far closer to the truth than many anti-religious and inhuman “humanists” in our secular society who advocate abortion and euthanasia.
Simple question: Do you believe Jesus Is God-Incarnate or not?
Now, this is a topic which I will discuss.

But first, you are a Catholic, right? Roman Catholic? You recognize Francis as the head of the Church? Just want to know who I’m talking to. Thanks.

Second, the answer to your question is this: The limits to Satan’s power are whatever his creator, God, established them to be. No more and no less.

I cannot tell what those limits are any more than I can tell you where the boundaries of the universe are located or where to find the pearly gates of Heaven.

However, that does not mean that God does not know these things. Satan is a creature and his power, while formidable, is not unlimited.
👍 A very important fact that puts evil in its true perspective. Some people give the impression that Satan rules the world… :eek:
God is Love …but God is not mocked. :nope: When the Egyptians pursued Moses & the Israelites, they were swallowed in the Red Sea. Jesus also had righteous anger when he threw the money changers out of the Temple. :ouch:
He’s not overly keen on idol-worship, and doesn’t show much favour towards idol-worshippers. But He is a loving God and I think His patience is much because they deserved a lot worse in the Temple.

In terms of the OT passage, I think the emphasis should be put on the defending and rescuing captives from danger, as opposed to God killing unjust oppressors.
It is important not be an extremist. Muslims have great respect for Jesus:
  • wikipedia
They are far closer to the truth than many anti-religious and inhuman “humanists” in our secular society who advocate abortion and euthanasia.
As far as, “It is important not be an extremist.”, are you saying or implying that to say that Jesus Is God-Incarnate is being an “extremist”?

Didn’t Jesus extend the question to us, “Who do you say that I AM?”?

I am saying that Jesus Is God-Incarnate and one of the reasons why I say this is because the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the Catholic Eucharist Is Jesus.

As far as, “Muslims have great respect for Jesus”, I wasn’t referring to Muslims, I was referring to what the god of islam supposedly said about Jesus in the Koran, did the god of islam say, in the Koran, that Jesus is just a prophet and not God-Incarnate or am I wrong in what I think the god of islam said concerning Jesus?
Tom Baum;12447872 [QUOTE said:

It is important not be an extremist. Muslims have great respect for Jesus: - wikipedia
They are far closer to the truth than many anti-religious and inhuman “humanists” in our secular society who advocate abortion and euthanasia.
Simple question: Do you believe Jesus Is God-Incarnate or not?

That question is irrelevant to the point I have made. Is it important not be an extremist who condemns Muslims?
God is Love …but God is not mocked. :nope: When the Egyptians pursued Moses & the Israelites, they were swallowed in the Red Sea. Jesus also had righteous anger when he threw the money changers out of the Temple. :ouch:
👍 indeed ! He gave Pharaoh nine chances before the tenth. He is a God of love.
But even before the parting he had another choice to believe in the one true God.

God Bless 🙂
👍 indeed ! He gave Pharaoh nine chances before the tenth. He is a God of love.
But even before the parting he had another choice to believe in the one true God.

God Bless 🙂
👍 We always have that choice!
If Jesus Is Who He says He IS and if the god of islam says what I believe he says about Jesus than it should be obvious who the god of islam is.

Quite a few seem to think/believe that having the “right” religion, belonging to the “right” religion or words to that effect is the “ticket”, so to speak, whereas God, as I said, is a searcher of hearts and minds, not of religious affiliations or lack thereof and It is important what one does and why one does it and what one knows.

If Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate than Christianity simply does not exist since the most basic belief of Christianity is that God became One of us.

Unless I have gotten it wrong, the god of islam not only says that Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate but gets quite upset if anyone else claims that Jesus Is God-Incarnate, is this so or isn’t it?
Hey Tom,

Most of what you are saying is true, there, about Christianity’s basic beliefs and Islam’s belief regarding the God-status of Jesus. However, it is a bit of a jump to say that denial of Jesus’ part in the trinity comes from satan.

People have doubts. I am quite certain that Buddhists and Hindus do not believe that Jesus is God, either. Are all of those religions founded by satan too?

If satan has the power to form a religion, then we are giving satan the power to be in control of a bit much. IMO, as soon as we give any power a bad intent, then we are talking about another God, and we no longer have a monism but a dualism. I am not shooting down dualism, because much of our membership sees creation dualistically (the Star-Wars approach), but the Church does make a bit of fuss about Manichaeism.

For the most part, no harm done to the person who looks at the world dualistically. It does lead to a bit of suffering, but we learn from suffering, right? The problem is that as soon as we point at someone else’ religion and say “satan”, then we are speaking without knowing, and we are making an accusation, which is uncharitable and does not express the love we have for others. We are called to give the benefit of the doubt.

So, can you think of some other options, besides the possibility that Islam was founded by satan? Give it a shot!🙂

Thanks for your reply, Tom, if my tone sounds worried or upset, reread my post. I know you have love for others, I am trying to challenge in a friendly way.🙂
Tom Baum;12447872 said:
According to Jesus “that QUESTION”, “Do you believe Jesus Is God-Incarnate or not?”, just might be the MOST RELEVANT question ever asked, wasn’t Jesus the One Who asked, “Who do you say that I AM?”?

By the way, I did NOT condemn any Muslim, you should read my whole post, as a matter of fact, I was speaking about the god of islam and who he is, I was not speaking about a Muslim or Muslims.

If one believes that Jesus Is God-Incarnate, do you think that they should deny what they believe?

I only pointed out what I believe the Koran teaches concerning Jesus and that being that Jesus is merely a prophet and is NOT God-Incarnate, is this what it teaches or isn’t it?
Hey Tom,

Most of what you are saying is true, there, about Christianity’s basic beliefs and Islam’s belief regarding the God-status of Jesus. However, it is a bit of a jump to say that denial of Jesus’ part in the trinity comes from satan.

People have doubts. I am quite certain that Buddhists and Hindus do not believe that Jesus is God, either. Are all of those religions founded by satan too?

If satan has the power to form a religion, then we are giving satan the power to be in control of a bit much. IMO, as soon as we give any power a bad intent, then we are talking about another God, and we no longer have a monism but a dualism. I am not shooting down dualism, because much of our membership sees creation dualistically (the Star-Wars approach), but the Church does make a bit of fuss about Manichaeism.

For the most part, no harm done to the person who looks at the world dualistically. It does lead to a bit of suffering, but we learn from suffering, right? The problem is that as soon as we point at someone else’ religion and say “satan”, then we are speaking without knowing, and we are making an accusation, which is uncharitable and does not express the love we have for others. We are called to give the benefit of the doubt.

So, can you think of some other options, besides the possibility that Islam was founded by satan? Give it a shot!🙂

Thanks for your reply, Tom, if my tone sounds worried or upset, reread my post. I know you have love for others, I am trying to challenge in a friendly way.🙂
This is just my opinion but I believe that Muhammed was not lying, as some think, but that the koran had a supernatural origin, although NOT Divine and that Muhammed was deceived by the deceiver.

Do you think that there was a supernatural aspect to the Koran or do you think that it is an out and out lie or do you think that it is merely the writings of someone who thought he had a link to the supernatural world?

As far as, " I am quite certain that Buddhists and Hindus do not believe that Jesus is God, either. Are all of those religions founded by satan too?"

Do the “Buddhists and Hindus” claim all of the prophets of the OT and Jesus as their prophets?

Do the “Buddhists and Hindus” claim that it was someone else besides Isaac, such as the Koran claims it was Ismael, that went up the mountain with Abraham?

Seems to me, that with the little bit I know, the Koran twists quite a bit of the OT and the NT, does the “Buddhists and Hindus” take the Jewish “Holy Writings” and the Christian “Holy Writings” and twist them or do the “Buddhists and Hindus” have their own “Holy Writings”?

I would say that the relationship between the Koran and the Old and New Testament has pretty much nothing in common with the relationship between either the Koran and the “Buddhists and Hindus” or between the Old and New Testament and the “Buddhists and Hindus”, any thoughts concerning this?

I am not speaking of another God but of a godwannabe.

As I said, if Jesus Is God-Incarnate and the koran was supernaturally inspired, as opposed to it being the delusions of a madman or an out and out lie, than it should be obvious who the god of islam is.

We are not called to lie for political or religious correctness, at least I do not believe we are.

As a matter of fact, isn’t lying for the god of islam considered a “virtue”?

As I said, “God is a searcher of hearts and minds, not of religious affiliations or lack thereof and It is important what one does and why one does it and what one knows”.

Somehow or another, I believe that God’s Plan is for ALL to, ultimately, be with God in God’s Kingdom, a tie is absolutely and utterly unacceptable.
According to Jesus “that QUESTION”, “Do you believe Jesus Is God-Incarnate or not?”, just might be the MOST RELEVANT question ever asked, wasn’t Jesus the One Who asked, “Who do you say that I AM?”?

By the way, I did NOT condemn any Muslim, you should read my whole post, as a matter of fact, I was speaking about the god of islam and who he is, I was not speaking about a Muslim or Muslims.

If one believes that Jesus Is God-Incarnate, do you think that they should deny what they believe?

I only pointed out what I believe the Koran teaches concerning Jesus and that being that Jesus is merely a prophet and is NOT God-Incarnate, is this what it teaches or isn’t it?
You stated “that the founder of islam was/is satan”. That view is diametrically opposed to that of Pope Francis:
must characterize the dialogue with the followers of non-Christian religions, in spite of various obstacles and difficulties, especially forms of fundamentalism on both sides…

Christians should embrace with** affection and respect** Muslim immigrants to our countries in the same way that we hope and ask to be received and respected in countries of Islamic tradition.How can this attitude possibly be reconciled with the conviction that Muslims are followers of Satan? :confused:
Hi Tom!
This is just my opinion but I believe that Muhammed was not lying, as some think, but that the koran had a supernatural origin, although NOT Divine and that Muhammed was deceived by the deceiver.
Tom, when opinions are hurtful or make false accusations, then they do not reflect charity, but reflect resentment. Do you agree? You don’t know. What you do know, possibly, is that you hold something against Islam. Is that real?
Do you think that there was a supernatural aspect to the Koran or do you think that it is an out and out lie or do you think that it is merely the writings of someone who thought he had a link to the supernatural world?
Aren’t we all learning more about Love? It takes centuries. What good does it do to say that we know more about Love than someone else? Do you see what I mean? Revelation unfolds in all cultures, religions, and societies.
As far as, " I am quite certain that Buddhists and Hindus do not believe that Jesus is God, either. Are all of those religions founded by satan too?"
Do the “Buddhists and Hindus” claim all of the prophets of the OT and Jesus as their prophets?
Do the “Buddhists and Hindus” claim that it was someone else besides Isaac, such as the Koran claims it was Ismael, that went up the mountain with Abraham?
Seems to me, that with the little bit I know, the Koran twists quite a bit of the OT and the NT, does the “Buddhists and Hindus” take the Jewish “Holy Writings” and the Christian “Holy Writings” and twist them or do the “Buddhists and Hindus” have their own “Holy Writings”?
There are traditions brought down by word of mouth. IMO, no tradition is immune to some change in detail. All documents are written by humans, and humans are not perfect. Do you see this as a possibility, rather than the “satan” explanation?
I would say that the relationship between the Koran and the Old and New Testament has pretty much nothing in common with the relationship between either the Koran and the “Buddhists and Hindus” or between the Old and New Testament and the “Buddhists and Hindus”, any thoughts concerning this?
People are not documents, though, Tom. People are people, and people have doubts and disbelief about the claims of other religions. Doctrine is “inspired”, Tom. I don’t believe that God Himself grabs the hands of people and writes. Do you? People make mistakes, isn’t that a better option than saying another religion comes from satan?
I am not speaking of another God but of a godwannabe.
As I said, if Jesus Is God-Incarnate and the koran was supernaturally inspired, as opposed to it being the delusions of a madman or an out and out lie, than it should be obvious who the god of islam is.
We are not called to lie for political or religious correctness, at least I do not believe we are.
As a matter of fact, isn’t lying for the god of islam considered a “virtue”?
As I said, “God is a searcher of hearts and minds, not of religious affiliations or lack thereof and It is important what one does and why one does it and what one knows”.
Somehow or another, I believe that God’s Plan is for ALL to, ultimately, be with God in God’s Kingdom, a tie is absolutely and utterly unacceptable.
Have you been listening to too much talk radio? It is my understanding that lying is acceptable in Islam when it comes to defense. If your child was in a closet, and a gunman wanting to kill her asks if she is in the closet, would you tell the truth? Morality is complicated, Tom. Forgiveness is much simpler.

How does “do unto others” apply here? Would you like people to accuse your beliefs as coming from satan? Charity, Tom, charity. Give people, religions, the benefit of the doubt.

Have you ever read the Gospel of Inclusion by Carlton Pearson, or do you know his story?

Look past the controversial stuff and just see what happened in his life. His story is inspirational.

God’s Peace:)
Tom Baum;12452215:
You stated “that the founder of islam was/is satan”. That view is diametrically opposed to that of Pope Francis:

How can this attitude possibly be reconciled with the conviction that Muslims are followers of Satan? :confused:
I say that Jesus Is God-Incarnate.

The god of islam says that Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate, that is unless I have gotten wrong what the god of islam says about Jesus.

What I say concerning Jesus being God-Incarnate and what the god of islam supposedly says concerning this are “diametrically opposed”.

Are you saying that Pope Francis agrees with the god of islam concerning whether or not Jesus Is God-Incarnate?

You wrote, “How can this attitude possibly be reconciled with the conviction that Muslims are followers of Satan?”

The “attitude” you refer to is:

"An attitude of openness in truth and in love must characterize the dialogue with the followers of non-Christian religions, in spite of various obstacles and difficulties, especially forms of fundamentalism on both sides…

Christians should embrace with affection and respect Muslim immigrants to our countries in the same way that we hope and ask to be received and respected in countries of Islamic tradition."

Since God supposedly said, “Let Us make man in Our Image…”, than we should accept ALL as our brothers and sisters irregardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof since we are ALL made in the “Image and… of God”, shouldn’t we?

Just as “Christians” have no right to force themself or their beliefs on others, others, ALL OTHERS, have no right to force themself or their beliefs on anyone else either but this does not mean that either has to water-down their beliefs, just that they can NOT force.

Aren’t we supposed to “Proclaim the Good News”?

Isn’t the most basic of beliefs concerning this “Good News” that God became One of us?

Isn’t another pretty basic of the beliefs concerning this “Good News” that God took ALL of the sins of ALL upon Himself on the cross?

Should we water down the “Good News” for the sake of religious and/or political correctness?

Jesus did say something to the effect that some might not like what we have to say, didn’t He?
Hi Tom!

Tom, when opinions are hurtful or make false accusations, then they do not reflect charity, but reflect resentment. Do you agree? You don’t know. What you do know, possibly, is that you hold something against Islam. Is that real?
I have met satan and I guess one could say that I “hold something against” satan, not islam.

People may not like to hear it but if Jesus Is God-Incarnate and the inspiration for the Koran came from a supernatural being who said that Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate than who would you say that “supernaturan being” is?
Aren’t we all learning more about Love? It takes centuries. What good does it do to say that we know more about Love than someone else? Do you see what I mean? Revelation unfolds in all cultures, religions, and societies.
This was your reply to my question: "Do you think that there was a supernatural aspect to the Koran or do you think that it is an out and out lie or do you think that it is merely the writings of someone who thought he had a link to the supernatural world?

You may not have an answer to this question by from meeting Dad and the Holy Spirit and some other things that have happened to me and hearing that the god of islam not only states that Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate but is his prophet, I do have an opinion of who the god of islam is.

I met Dad and I can honestly say that I learnt more about LOVE in less than a nanosecond that I could learn in a normal length lifetime without meeting Dad.
There are traditions brought down by word of mouth. IMO, no tradition is immune to some change in detail. All documents are written by humans, and humans are not perfect. Do you see this as a possibility, rather than the “satan” explanation?

People are not documents, though, Tom. People are people, and people have doubts and disbelief about the claims of other religions. Doctrine is “inspired”, Tom. I don’t believe that God Himself grabs the hands of people and writes. Do you? People make mistakes, isn’t that a better option than saying another religion comes from satan?
I agree with you that God is NOT the “big dictation machine” in the sky as some seem to think of God and that God does NOT always give people the “exact” words to say when God chooses someone to say something, I would say that this happens quite often.
Have you been listening to too much talk radio? It is my understanding that lying is acceptable in Islam when it comes to defense. If your child was in a closet, and a gunman wanting to kill her asks if she is in the closet, would you tell the truth? Morality is complicated, Tom. Forgiveness is much simpler.

How does “do unto others” apply here? Would you like people to accuse your beliefs as coming from satan? Charity, Tom, charity. Give people, religions, the benefit of the doubt.

Have you ever read the Gospel of Inclusion by Carlton Pearson, or do you know his story?

Look past the controversial stuff and just see what happened in his life. His story is inspirational.

God’s Peace:)
Why should it bother me if anyone would accuse my beliefs as coming from satan?

I have been accused of a number of things here and elsewhere.

As I have said many times, if the Good News is not Good News for ALL than it is not Good News at all but is horrific news.

I happen to believe that Jesus Is Who He said that He Is and I suppose, now, the main reason that I believe that is that the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the Catholic Eucharist Is Jesus.

I, personally, do not like satan and it was not nice contending with him for 24 plus hours and I would like to say something about a “lie”, a lie that is 99% true is much harder to see thru than a lie that is 100% false.

When I met Dad, He said not a word, when I met the Holy Spirit, He said not a word even when revealing that the Catholic Eucharist Is Jesus, when I met satan, he said lots of words, some of which were true.

You wrote, “It is my understanding that lying is acceptable in Islam when it comes to defense.”

You could very well be right, I think that I have heard that it is not only acceptable but held in high esteem if it is for the spread of islam.

As far as, “Have you ever read the Gospel of Inclusion by Carlton Pearson, or do you know his story?”

I have never heard of him before this but I read your link and I, most definitely, believe that ultimately ALL will be saved.

I also believe that Jesus went to everyone’s hell, not just the “abode of the good dead”, as some think it to be.

I would like to repeat two of the things that I previously wrote:
  1. God is a searcher of hearts and minds, not of religious affiliations or lack thereof and
  2. It is important what one does and why one does it and what one knows.l
I say that Jesus Is God-Incarnate.

The god of islam says that Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate, that is unless I have gotten wrong what the god of islam says about Jesus.

What I say concerning Jesus being God-Incarnate and what the god of islam supposedly says concerning this are “diametrically opposed”.

Are you saying that Pope Francis agrees with the god of islam concerning whether or not Jesus Is God-Incarnate?

You wrote, “How can this attitude possibly be reconciled with the conviction that Muslims are followers of Satan?”

The “attitude” you refer to is:

"must characterize the dialogue with the followers of non-Christian religions, in spite of various obstacles and difficulties, especially forms of fundamentalism on both sides…

Christians should embrace with affection and respect Muslim immigrants to our countries in the same way that we hope and ask to be received and respected in countries of Islamic tradition."

Since God supposedly said, “Let Us make man in Our Image…”, than we should accept ALL as our brothers and sisters irregardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof since we are ALL made in the “Image and… of God”, shouldn’t we?

Just as “Christians” have no right to force themself or their beliefs on others, others, ALL OTHERS, have no right to force themself or their beliefs on anyone else either but this does not mean that either has to water-down their beliefs, just that they can NOT force.

Aren’t we supposed to “Proclaim the Good News”?

Isn’t the most basic of beliefs concerning this “Good News” that God became One of us?

Isn’t another pretty basic of the beliefs concerning this “Good News” that God took ALL of the sins of ALL upon Himself on the cross?

Should we water down the “Good News” for the sake of religious and/or political correctness?

Jesus did say something to the effect that some might not like what we have to say, didn’t He?
To be **open **in truth and in love to Muslims and other non-Christians implies that we do not water down the teaching of Jesus.
Good morning, Tom!
I have met satan and I guess one could say that I “hold something against” satan, not islam.
Well, Jesus says that if we hold anything against anyone, we are to forgive them. In addition, we are called to love our enemies. Whenever anyone talks about forgiving satan, I first say, “let us first determine for what we are forgiving”. Can you come up with a specific occurrence where you find that satan was the one to be forgiven?
People may not like to hear it but if Jesus Is God-Incarnate and the inspiration for the Koran came from a supernatural being who said that Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate than who would you say that “supernaturan being” is?
I agree with you that God is NOT the “big dictation machine” in the sky as some seem to think of God and that God does NOT always give people the “exact” words to say when God chooses someone to say something, I would say that this happens quite often.
We are in agreement that man is not a dictation machine, which is what I think you mean to say. Man’s writings can be inspired, but are not perfect. So, it would be giving the benefit of the doubt to say that God inspired Mohammed, but the message was not perfectly received, just as the old and new testaments may have some writings that do not perfectly reflect the Father. What do you say, isn’t that a more charitable explanation? It makes sense, does it not?
Why should it bother me if anyone would accuse my beliefs as coming from satan?
I have been accused of a number of things here and elsewhere.
How does it feel when someone accuses you of something, Tom? One can say “why should it bother me?” as a way of ignoring the hurt or protecting oneself from the hurt, or one could say “accusations never bother me” because they simply do not. I am not saying that it is impossible for accusations not to bother you, because people have their own individual triggers for “bother”. What I am saying is this, accusations typically bother people. Perhaps you are unaware of this because of your own life experience. However, please know, Tom, that in spite of your own experience, accusations bother people because they want respect. Saying that someone’s religion is founded by satan, or any idea of theirs is founded by satan, does not communicate respect, it communicates condemnation. Do you see what I mean?

How does it feel when someone accuses you of something Tom? Does it hurt? Does it trigger anger? I ask these with sincerity, not with accusation or trial examination. These are the kinds of questions that lead to a deeper self-awareness, right? When someone accuses me, I feel hurt and/or anger. It is a triggered response.
As I have said many times, if the Good News is not Good News for ALL than it is not Good News at all but is horrific news.
But would you agree, Tom, that if the Good News is not communicated with love, then we rather negate the message? Love does not “put on airs”, Tom. We are not to act like we are superior, in saying that some other person’s beliefs come from satan.

The Good News stands on it own, we don’t need to shoot anyone else down, right? Is the Kingdom a place where we condemn, or is it a place where we forgive?
I think that I have heard that it (lying) is not only acceptable but held in high esteem if it is for the spread of islam.
I have never heard that. Tom, don’t believe everything you hear. When someone sends me hate mail about Muslims, I ask for proof, and it never comes. There is a lot of agenda out there about shooting down Muslims for territorial and political purposes. Much of it is untrue. Again, give people the benefit of the doubt. If you do not know for certain that something someone said is true, especially if it puts people in a negative light, then do not repeat it. It is not unlike gossip and false witness.
As far as, “Have you ever read the Gospel of Inclusion by Carlton Pearson, or do you know his story?”
I have never heard of him before this but I read your link and I, most definitely, believe that ultimately ALL will be saved.
I also believe that Jesus went to everyone’s hell, not just the “abode of the good dead”, as some think it to be.
I would like to repeat two of the things that I previously wrote:
  1. God is a searcher of hearts and minds, not of religious affiliations or lack thereof and
  1. It is important what one does and why one does it and what one knows.l
Yes, I agree.

Pray with me, Tom, for peace, for the Kingdom, for charity and good will among people.

Have a great day!🙂
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