Tom Baum;12452215:
You stated “that the founder of islam was/is satan”. That view is diametrically opposed to that of Pope Francis:
How can this attitude possibly be reconciled with the conviction that Muslims are followers of Satan?
I say that Jesus Is God-Incarnate.
The god of islam says that Jesus is NOT God-Incarnate, that is unless I have gotten wrong what the god of islam says about Jesus.
What I say concerning Jesus being God-Incarnate and what the god of islam supposedly says concerning this are “diametrically opposed”.
Are you saying that Pope Francis agrees with the god of islam concerning whether or not Jesus Is God-Incarnate?
You wrote, “How can this attitude possibly be reconciled with the conviction that Muslims are followers of Satan?”
The “attitude” you refer to is:
"An attitude of openness in truth and in love must characterize the dialogue with the followers of non-Christian religions, in spite of various obstacles and difficulties, especially forms of fundamentalism on both sides…
Christians should embrace with affection and respect Muslim immigrants to our countries in the same way that we hope and ask to be received and respected in countries of Islamic tradition."
Since God supposedly said, “Let Us make man in Our Image…”, than we should accept ALL as our brothers and sisters irregardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof since we are ALL made in the “Image and… of God”, shouldn’t we?
Just as “Christians” have no right to force themself or their beliefs on others, others, ALL OTHERS, have no right to force themself or their beliefs on anyone else either but this does not mean that either has to water-down their beliefs, just that they can NOT force.
Aren’t we supposed to “Proclaim the Good News”?
Isn’t the most basic of beliefs concerning this “Good News” that God became One of us?
Isn’t another pretty basic of the beliefs concerning this “Good News” that God took ALL of the sins of ALL upon Himself on the cross?
Should we water down the “Good News” for the sake of religious and/or political correctness?
Jesus did say something to the effect that some might not like what we have to say, didn’t He?