I can now see that posting here is very time consuming. Fascinating, but time consuming.
The concept of forgiving a debt is common in the Bible.
But, rather than laboring over one theory of atonement and whether it makes sense or not, we can skip to the fact that none of the common theories of atonement completely make sense, and this is a fact often discussed among theologians.
On the WL CRaig discussion above, yes, the need for sources is what I was posting about. Let me break it down for you:
1.WL Craig is known as the ‘apologist for genocide’ among atheists since he takes the position that God did in fact command slaughter. You can find that here:
2.Because WL Craig and Richard Dawkins are heavyweights on their respective teams, they are often begged to debate, but Dawkins is refusing. In Dawkins’ refusal, he has said that one reason is that he believes Craig is
still in favor of Israelis killing people since the genocide has never been revoked. That’s the more elusive thing I’m looking for, since I do not consider Dawkins a reliable source.
So, yeah, I’m doing exactly what you ask, and Google works, you know. If you are interested in a particular quote because you actually want to read it yourself, put it in Google. I bet you Google will find it. If, however, you just want to be contrary to someone in debate, you can tell them to find it for you. Either way works, I guess.