Is heaven too good to be true?

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I love when you make a comment about known evil people & you get the usual…“Judge not lest ye be judged” 😛
How about this then…It’s none of our business where anyone else ends up. It does no good to speculate, and the possible harm is that you might start feeling a little smug, as in “I may be a sinner but at least I’m no Osama bin Laden”.
How about this then…It’s none of our business where anyone else ends up. It does no good to speculate, and the possible harm is that you might start feeling a little smug, as in “I may be a sinner but at least I’m no Osama bin Laden”.
Then, it follows…this Thread is pointless & not worth discussing. Bye, 👋
It isn’t a question of fear but faith. Everyone has faith in something even if it’s only fate. Yet if we all exist for no reason how could we ever become aware of the fact? It takes reason to be unreasonable! Only lunatics live as there is no reason for living - which is the case if we go out like a light bulb… To reject reason is intellectual suicide.
👍 And to reject reason is not only intellectual suicide but also spiritual suicide.
It isn’t a question of fear but faith. Everyone has faith in something even if it’s only fate. Yet if we all exist for no reason how could we ever become aware of the fact? It takes reason to be unreasonable! Only lunatics live as there is no reason for living - which is the case if we go out like a light bulb… To reject reason is intellectual suicide.
BTW The truth is a light which never goes out - and God is the source of that light:
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
John 1:3-5
After discovering the falsehood of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy in childhood, and feeling a bit of a fool, as adults we swear that we will not believe anything that is not concrete and materialistic, and we dump religion and the belief in heaven so as to prevent our looking foolish.
After discovering the falsehood of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy in childhood, and feeling a bit of a fool, as adults we swear that we will not believe anything that is not concrete and materialistic, and we dump religion and the belief in heaven so as to prevent our looking foolish.
To incriminate everyone is unfair because not everyone is so undiscriminating! 😉
And its true: even the best life in this world will end: what does that telll u? It is only a glimpse: & your heart will lead u to the truth, to ur Beloved, present before all ages… Only the present is true.
After discovering the falsehood of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy in childhood, and feeling a bit of a fool, as adults we swear that we will not believe anything that is not concrete and materialistic, and we dump religion and the belief in heaven so as to prevent our looking foolish.
There is some truth in this. As a child I felt a bit betrayed when I figured out that many of the things I had been told were false. As an adult I realized that it was harmless fun except for that eternal life issue. So, I looked into it…and landed where I am.

There is some truth in this. As a child I felt a bit betrayed when I figured out that many of the things I had been told were false. As an adult I realized that it was harmless fun except for that eternal life issue. So, I looked into it…and landed where I am.

My parents didn’t deny Santa Claus but didn’t make a big deal about him. I used to ask, since we lived in an apartment, how could he come down the chimney?

I never believed in a real Easter bunny!

We raised our daughter the same way…we emphasized the true meaning of C-mas & Easter. 👍
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