Is Homosexuality genetic?

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Many of us have been raised to believe a straight person somehow becomes a queer. But as I get older I really wonder. Could it be an abnormality in their genetic makeup? You can’t say they have a warped brain, because many gays are very intelligent. What do you think?
I don’t think there is any one answer to that.
Studies have found that people become homosexual for different reasons.
Some believe they have been that way since childhood - especially those boys who may have shown “feminine” traits even in boyhood.
However - we see some men and women who seemingly live a normal heterosexual life - leave their spouse and children for a homosexual relationship.

What I’ve read that I have found troubling is that many homosexual men have reported they were sexually abused as young boys or teenagers.

So the answer is…we really don’t know. I suspect the truth is very complicated.
This morning on TV there was a short segment about two identical female twins. They grew up together and had so much in common throughout childhood. At the age of 30 something, one of them came out as a lesbian. The other twin remains heterosexual.

The fact that this can happen shows that homosexuality is not a purely genetic trait since identical twins share the exact same genetic makeup. In fact, the program said that studies show that if one identical twin is homosexual, the other twin is more likely to be homosexual, but in many cases, they aren’t.

I believe that genetics and environment play a role in whether someone feels attracted to the same sex. Whether a person lives an active homosexual lifestyle is a choice as far as I’m concerned.
I believe that genetics and environment play a role in whether someone feels attracted to the same sex.
Precisely. There is a genetic component, but not a purely genetic cause.
Whether a person lives an active homosexual lifestyle is a choice as far as I’m concerned.
A person who is gay can choose not to act on their orientation but they can’t just choose to be straight.
A person who is gay can choose not to act on their orientation but they can’t just choose to be straight.
Really? You have many clinicians and scientists who know differently.
A person who is gay can choose not to act on their orientation but they can’t just choose to be straight.
Wrong. It’s called reorientation (reparative) therapy. Just because the mainstream media and American Psychiatric Association choose to allow the homosexual activists and politically correct influence to determine their reporting and conclusions does not mean that reorientation therapy does not exist. Check it out at
Precisely. There is a genetic component, but not a purely genetic cause.
This is yet to be proven.
A person who is gay can choose not to act on their orientation but they can’t just choose to be straight.
There are many recovered homosexuals who would disagree with this statement.

Seeing that you are not Catholic, and some of you views even make me question if your christain, why do you post here?
I think arguing it is genetic (maybe true, maybe not) is an attempt to gain acceptance in the eyes of religion. By saying it is genetic, it is supposed to follow that God created that person that way and therefore their homosexual activity is ok. Strictly from a religious perspective, a genetic basis for homosexuality would not make sodomy morally ok. Sex is not a spasm so each person must still make a conscious decision to engage in homosexual activity. People are predisposed to all sorts of sinful activity, but we each make choices whether or not to engage in it.

Is there another argument that requires a genetic aspect besides “God made us this way so we should be able to do it” ?

I don’t think the secular arguments for gay marriage hinge on whether its genetic or not, do they?
I think arguing it is genetic (maybe true, maybe not) is an attempt to gain acceptance in the eyes of religion. By saying it is genetic, it is supposed to follow that God created that person that way and therefore their homosexual activity is ok. Strictly from a religious perspective, a genetic basis for homosexuality would not make sodomy morally ok. Sex is not a spasm so each person must still make a conscious decision to engage in homosexual activity. People are predisposed to all sorts of sinful activity, but we each make choices whether or not to engage in it.

Is there another argument that requires a genetic aspect besides “God made us this way so we should be able to do it” ?

I don’t think the secular arguments for gay marriage hinge on whether its genetic or not, do they?
I have made these same points. What if murder has some genetic component?. Does that mean murderers have a green light, magically? It is genetic, so it must be ok. How silly.
This is yet to be proven.
Proven? Maybe, but there is evidence for and none against.
Seeing that you are not Catholic, and some of you views even make me question if your christain, why do you post here?
I’m not christian. Nor was there a statement that only christians could join when I signed up. Nor am I the only non-christian on the board.

I came here to discuss things with people who are fairly different than me. Coming into contact with alien viewpoints can be very health.
I think arguing it is genetic (maybe true, maybe not) is an attempt to gain acceptance in the eyes of religion. By saying it is genetic, it is supposed to follow that God created that person that way and therefore their homosexual activity is ok. Strictly from a religious perspective, a genetic basis for homosexuality would not make sodomy morally ok. Sex is not a spasm so each person must still make a conscious decision to engage in homosexual activity. People are predisposed to all sorts of sinful activity, but we each make choices whether or not to engage in it.
Some people find the idea that homosexuality occurs naturally to be a threat to their beliefs. Other’s don’t. How you reconcile any issues a genetic component of homosexuality has with your faith is up to you. If it causes you no problem then great. Many do find it problematic and hence why they argue so hard trying to undermine the research. If it didn’t matter to them they wouldn’t bother.
Is there another argument that requires a genetic aspect besides “God made us this way so we should be able to do it” ?
Well you can say that homosexuality is a component of the natural world, which was created by God and hence homosexuality itself must descend from God. A simplistic example, I’m sure someone could make that much more robust an argument.
I don’t think the secular arguments for gay marriage hinge on whether its genetic or not, do they?
Not really. Mostly they hinge on the idea that you can’t legislate morality and that consensual relations between adults are their own business, and that the law doesn’t permit sexism.
I came here to discuss things with people who are fairly different than me. Coming into contact with alien viewpoints can be very health.
But aren’t you afraid of possible contamination? Or worse yet, conversion of the mind? :o
But aren’t you afraid of possible contamination? Or worse yet, conversion of the mind? :o
No not really. If by discussing things with people I became honestly convinced of the Catholic viewpoint and could back up my position logically then apparently that’s what I needed to grow.

I was at one point christian. I changed away from that belief to ones I believe to be much more fundamentally true. But I recognize I may change more.

I’ve said before that putting our views in conflict with others is how we grow and learn. Conflict need not be hostile although many see it that way.
Lisa N:
He hopes he annoys Catholics with his opinions. Some people have interesting ways of having fun.

Lisa N
Lisa takes a very negative view of me. She’d be one of those who sees conflict as automatically hostile. Hence when I argue with her she takes affront and it quickly becomes personal.
No not really. If by discussing things with people I became honestly convinced of the Catholic viewpoint and could back up my position logically then apparently that’s what I needed to grow.

I was at one point christian. I changed away from that belief to ones I believe to be much more fundamentally true. But I recognize I may change more.

I’ve said before that putting our views in conflict with others is how we grow and learn. Conflict need not be hostile although many see it that way.
"If by discussing things with people I became honestly convinced of the Catholic viewpoint and could back up my position logically then apparently that’s what I needed to grow…But I recognize I may change more".

…but by the grace of God. But you better watch it Tlaloc, the Hound of Heaven is persistent and may give you a pleasant unplanned, not calculated visit through these forums.
Many of us have been raised to believe a straight person somehow becomes a queer. But as I get older I really wonder. Could it be an abnormality in their genetic makeup? You can’t say they have a warped brain, because many gays are very intelligent. What do you think?
As with most things that make up our human person, I believe that our genetics give us a predisposition towards things. For example, being muscular or “big” may run in a family. One brother may go to the gym every day and be very muscular. Another may never work out and be more fat than muscle. Both have the same genetic predisposition, but it is how they act on it that makes them who they are.

I belive that it is the same way with homo- and bi- sexuality. Yes, there may be a genetic factor involved, but at some point they have to look at a person of the same sex and think, “Yeah, that is an option.”
…but by the grace of God. But you better watch it Tlaloc, the Hound of Heaven is persistent and may give you a pleasant unplanned, not calculated visit through these forums.
I wouldn’t hold your breath though, Felra. For me, personally, Christianity has some huge gaping flaws in it that would require a lot of change in my mental processes to not see as issues anymore.

It’s always possible (hey even the guitarist of Korn just converted), especially if I went through some enormous trauma. That often serves as impetus to be “born again.”
Proven? Maybe, but there is evidence for and none against.
Now this is absolutly not true, there is to this day no conclusive or any accredited researcht hat can show this, and there are plenty of ideological proofs against it. I don’t there is any genetic component to homosexuality, anymore so then there is one to pedophilia or a phobia to spiders, but if there is one it would have to be minimal gene that could only act on further envirmental factors, meaning that enviroment still would play a key role, period.Now here is the evidence against, there is no innateness to homosexuality thats like saying it’s on par with skin color. you cannot compare an innate and innocuous state of being like skin
color and sex, to a single act of a man haveing sex with another man
that is completly rediculous! And don’t come to me with the excuse of
sexual orientation, sexual orientation wasn’t even invented as a
scientific term, sexuality in it’s essence is so fluid it’s hard to
even define what’s really heterosexual and whats really homosexual. The majority of teenagers going through puberty go through same sex
attractions. The vast majority of homosexuals have at least two or
three heteroerotic fantasies. According to statistical numbers
exclusive homosexuality is so rare, because so many homosexual men and
women behave so bisexually yet identify themselves as homosexual, and
even the exclusives have had heterosexual sex and contact. Even the
infamous sex researcher Dr. Kinsey concluded that many who have
identified themselves as homosexual have since changed past the age of
20-30 and vice versa. Sexuality is a completly fluid concept that there is no sexuality that someone can be born with. You cannot say that
sexual orientation is something that is innate in all of us, we do
however have the complete capacity for sexuality, but not an inborn
sense of being born with a sexuality of who you will be attracted to.
Also you have to adress the part of feeling and desire. No one is born
with a specific feeling otherwise everything you do you were geneticaly preprogramed to do, and enviroment plays no role. Indeed if
homosexuality is inborn then pedophilia is inborn, then any and all phobias are inborn, every thing about your character and personality is nothing more then genetic programing to the fullest, and that is
absolutly rediculous. So you cannot compare a gentic state of being to
a enviromentally produced behavior, it’s outrageous!

It is also outrageous to assume something is genetic or innate just
because one does not choose to feel the actual feelings, Just because
one has feelings that he/she did not will or create in no way makes it
innate, I mean I really don’t need to go to detailed in this, because just out and out assuming something like this makes it possible for
every human abnormaility and action right down to adultery to be
acceptable, I mean these things happen through enviroment and other
aspects of influence on our character. It’s an absolutly rediculous
Some people find the idea that homosexuality occurs naturally to be a threat to their beliefs. Other’s don’t. How you reconcile any issues a genetic component of homosexuality has with your faith is up to you. If it causes you no problem then great. Many do find it problematic and hence why they argue so hard trying to undermine the research. If it didn’t matter to them they wouldn’t bother.
Some ppl, like your self just make the claim that it is a natural variant, an assumption that requires the burden of proof on your part. Homosexuality has no known genetic component, so how you even come to that conclusion to make these sort of forceful assertions is really beyond me. It is probelmatic, it is also a hard illogical ideology, and undermine it, we don’t have to work to undermine anything the most common problems with such research is actual bias and actual contradictions and not very well thought out research and results. There is no undermining anything that is bascily nonexistent.
Well you can say that homosexuality is a component of the natural world, which was created by God and hence homosexuality itself must descend from God. A simplistic example, I’m sure someone could make that much more robust an argument.
You can say that, but you’d be lying like no ones business. How can God create something he condems and for that matter why would a God so perfect create such a vast problematic way of life:

It just makes no sense, would he actually so contradict himself in doing this, try inserting the word idolterer in there, see how well that would fly.

Not really. Mostly they hinge on the idea that you can’t legislate morality and that consensual relations between adults are their own business, and that the law doesn’t permit sexism.Or in the case of homosexaulity, immorality. And would a consenting act between two consenting sadomasochists to demand special beneficial packages for their lifestyle be any more valid, it doesn’t matter if it’s between two consenting adults it’s problematic and immoral, marriage is not owed to them. The law does not obligate itself to bow down to such radical/problematic ideologies and lifestyles…
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