Proven? Maybe, but there is evidence for and none against.
Now this is absolutly not true, there is to this day no conclusive or any accredited researcht hat can show this, and there are plenty of ideological proofs against it. I don’t there is any genetic component to homosexuality, anymore so then there is one to pedophilia or a phobia to spiders, but if there is one it would have to be minimal gene that could only act on further envirmental factors, meaning that enviroment still would play a key role, period.Now here is the evidence against, there is no innateness to homosexuality thats like saying it’s on par with skin color. you cannot compare an innate and innocuous state of being like skin
color and sex, to a single act of a man haveing sex with another man
that is completly rediculous! And don’t come to me with the excuse of
sexual orientation, sexual orientation wasn’t even invented as a
scientific term, sexuality in it’s essence is so fluid it’s hard to
even define what’s really heterosexual and whats really homosexual. The majority of teenagers going through puberty go through same sex
attractions. The vast majority of homosexuals have at least two or
three heteroerotic fantasies. According to statistical numbers
exclusive homosexuality is so rare, because so many homosexual men and
women behave so bisexually yet identify themselves as homosexual, and
even the exclusives have had heterosexual sex and contact. Even the
infamous sex researcher Dr. Kinsey concluded that many who have
identified themselves as homosexual have since changed past the age of
20-30 and vice versa. Sexuality is a completly fluid concept that there is no sexuality that someone can be born with. You cannot say that
sexual orientation is something that is innate in all of us, we do
however have the complete capacity for sexuality, but not an inborn
sense of being born with a sexuality of who you will be attracted to.
Also you have to adress the part of feeling and desire. No one is born
with a specific feeling otherwise everything you do you were geneticaly preprogramed to do, and enviroment plays no role. Indeed if
homosexuality is inborn then pedophilia is inborn, then any and all phobias are inborn, every thing about your character and personality is nothing more then genetic programing to the fullest, and that is
absolutly rediculous. So you cannot compare a gentic state of being to
a enviromentally produced behavior, it’s outrageous!
It is also outrageous to assume something is genetic or innate just
because one does not choose to feel the actual feelings, Just because
one has feelings that he/she did not will or create in no way makes it
innate, I mean I really don’t need to go to detailed in this, because just out and out assuming something like this makes it possible for
every human abnormaility and action right down to adultery to be
acceptable, I mean these things happen through enviroment and other
aspects of influence on our character. It’s an absolutly rediculous