Is Homosexuality genetic?

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I’m really not sure that you made your point and would appreciate if you would explain the “need” for sin. Huh?
Dear Lisa, I didn’t say we need sin, I did say we need a concept of sin, meaning that we need to know which behaviour is bad or evil and which is good.

Concerning the chimpansees, that was a documentary I saw on National Geographic. It was made by biologists and anthropologists who went into the “jungle” and observed chimpansees in the wild. They noticed their homosexual behaviour. But you’re right, it was just “behaviour”, sexual acts, not homosexual bonding between two males, because these “homosexual performers” had also normal intercourse with female chimpansees.

I’m guessing this kind of behaviour has nothing to do with a firm sexual orientation, but rather with dominance patterns and territorial behaviour.

In any case, I wouldn’t want to meet these apes! 😃
You guys in this forum are missing the whole point on how Christ wants us to conduct ourselves. You can not compare animals of any kind to a person regardless what these so called scientist make claims of. The Holy Spirit at the very beginning of time made it clear that mankind is to bare much more intelligence then all living creatures. Homosexuality in man was not developed from animals. It was created by Satan. He in turn knows every persons weaknesses and he works on them thru your each individual thoughts by tempting you with those weaknesses. This includes homosexuals. Which stems off from the desire of pleasure of the human flesh (LUST). Also developed thru the name calling as children, children being opened to pornography, adult book stores, women working in strip clubs, and many other bad influential places and situations that Satan will use to draw you further away from The Holy Spirit. The use of drugs and alcohol is another factor in the issue. These to items breaks down the thinking pattern of mankind which also opens the door for Satan’s temptation. So you see, it has nothing to do with animal studies or genetics, but Satan himself and his knowledge of mans weakness. To overcome these problems, we need to help protect the young from the bad elements out there by removing these elements and to teach them to be respectable. For those that are struggling with their current life of homosexuality to pray more and to turn your head away from the desire Satan puts in your every thoughts. Peace to all and God bless. There is hope.
Pious Redeemer:
Dear Lisa, I didn’t say we need sin, I did say we need a concept of sin, meaning that we need to know which behaviour is bad or evil and which is good.

Concerning the chimpansees, that was a documentary I saw on National Geographic. It was made by biologists and anthropologists who went into the “jungle” and observed chimpansees in the wild. They noticed their homosexual behaviour. But you’re right, it was just “behaviour”, sexual acts, not homosexual bonding between two males, because these “homosexual performers” had also normal intercourse with female chimpansees.

I’m guessing this kind of behaviour has nothing to do with a firm sexual orientation, but rather with dominance patterns and territorial behaviour.

In any case, I wouldn’t want to meet these apes! 😃
Me either!!! THanks for the response, I really didn’t understand what you were saying. I think that the point is that homosexual acts in animals are transitory and are often situational. Given the chance they will engage in heterosexual sex instead. For example if you overcrowd male rodents they will engage in homosexual rapes. I’ve seen male ducks rape other male ducks in order to get the female away. As you’ve mentioned, it’s a behavior, not a “way of being” in the animal kingdom. Only humans could rationalize this behavior as normal and permanent. YIKES and we call THEM animals???

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Me either!!! THanks for the response, I really didn’t understand what you were saying. I think that the point is that homosexual acts in animals are transitory and are often situational. Given the chance they will engage in heterosexual sex instead. For example if you overcrowd male rodents they will engage in homosexual rapes. I’ve seen male ducks rape other male ducks in order to get the female away. As you’ve mentioned, it’s a behavior, not a “way of being” in the animal kingdom. Only humans could rationalize this behavior as normal and permanent. YIKES and we call THEM animals???

Lisa N
I do hope you come to your senses and not concern yourselves what animals do and focus more on helping out the human race. To babble on about what other creatures do will not help resolve the behavior issues that man has in their hearts. As I had stated above, I will ad that it is the weakness of the mind towards lust of the flesh that has been around for thousands of years. Mainly because man refuses to turn away from Satan’s temptations and go astray from the Laws of the Holy Spirit. Hope you find peace with the Lord.
I do hope you come to your senses and not concern yourselves what animals do and focus more on helping out the human race. To babble on about what other creatures do will not help resolve the behavior issues that man has in their hearts. As I had stated above, I will ad that it is the weakness of the mind towards lust of the flesh that has been around for thousands of years. Mainly because man refuses to turn away from Satan’s temptations and go astray from the Laws of the Holy Spirit. Hope you find peace with the Lord.
Little Italy you are correct that we are not the same as other animals, relying upon instinct and various drives. OTOH the POINT of using these examples is to dispute some of the posters here who totally reject Catholic or Christian teaching on the subject and thus your arguments about Satan and the Holy Spirit make no inroads with them. If this were a board that had only believing Catholics then you would be able to use these same arguments in a compelling fashion. There are a number of homosexual apologists who have infiltrated this list, probably out of some fiendish delight in annoying the rest of us. They constantly try to prove homosexuality is normal by pointing to examples in the animal kingdom. By countering their secular argument with another secular argument then we have the opportunity to prove them wrong. They don’t CARE about the Holy Spirit or Satan. Pray for them

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Little Italy you are correct that we are not the same as other animals, relying upon instinct and various drives. OTOH the POINT of using these examples is to dispute some of the posters here who totally reject Catholic or Christian teaching on the subject and thus your arguments about Satan and the Holy Spirit make no inroads with them. If this were a board that had only believing Catholics then you would be able to use these same arguments in a compelling fashion. There are a number of homosexual apologists who have infiltrated this list, probably out of some fiendish delight in annoying the rest of us. They constantly try to prove homosexuality is normal by pointing to examples in the animal kingdom. By countering their secular argument with another secular argument then we have the opportunity to prove them wrong. They don’t CARE about the Holy Spirit or Satan. Pray for them

Lisa N
Hello Lisa N, Although you say the issue of Satan and the Holy Spirit make no inroad with them, isnt’t this exactly what they need to learn and be reminded of? If nobody says anything about what trully causes their way of thinking and keep trying to come up with so called scientific studies to justify their lifestyle, then we as christians are not doing our part in life to redirect those who are lost in this world. thanks for the response. littleitaly, God bless and peace
Hello Lisa N, Although you say the issue of Satan and the Holy Spirit make no inroad with them, isnt’t this exactly what they need to learn and be reminded of? If nobody says anything about what trully causes their way of thinking and keep trying to come up with so called scientific studies to justify their lifestyle, then we as christians are not doing our part in life to redirect those who are lost in this world. thanks for the response. littleitaly, God bless and peace
littleitaly, you are correct we need a spiritual argument as well. I do think though that when we counter secular claims with spiritual arguments alone, the opposing forces simply pass us off as a “religious nut.” Yes it is very important to witness the truth and I appreciate those who have the knowledge to do so. I have experiences and knowledge of the biological process that I also think is relevant. Isn’t there room for both arguments against the kind of evil that is being promoted?

Lisa N
Lisa N:
littleitaly, you are correct we need a spiritual argument as well. I do think though that when we counter secular claims with spiritual arguments alone, the opposing forces simply pass us off as a “religious nut.” Yes it is very important to witness the truth and I appreciate those who have the knowledge to do so. I have experiences and knowledge of the biological process that I also think is relevant. Isn’t there room for both arguments against the kind of evil that is being promoted?

Lisa N
It is understandable that they would lash out at one to be a religious nut or otherwise. Christ did say not to concern ourselves with the remarks one makes against us for in his eyes we are doing the right thing and that is important to me more so then their name calling. If God has some kind of secret potion out there that we would be able to take that can overcome our weaknesses of the mind and that would overcome those temptations then biological is good. I feel strongly that it mostly remains in faith and prayer to beat the temptations.Biological study is good to help those who are ill, I would not toss it out the door. It has helped many people in the past and present.
It is understandable that they would lash out at one to be a religious nut or otherwise. Christ did say not to concern ourselves with the remarks one makes against us for in his eyes we are doing the right thing and that is important to me more so then their name calling. If God has some kind of secret potion out there that we would be able to take that can overcome our weaknesses of the mind and that would overcome those temptations then biological is good. I feel strongly that it mostly remains in faith and prayer to beat the temptations.Biological study is good to help those who are ill, I would not toss it out the door. It has helped many people in the past and present.
littleitaly, I am not a bit concerned about being called a religious nut. I’ve been called worse! OTOH I do want to change hearts and minds. If you are dealing with a secularist, you may need to come at them from a secular perspective to make much headway. That and prayers that they will see the truth when it is presented to them.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
littleitaly, I am not a bit concerned about being called a religious nut. I’ve been called worse! OTOH I do want to change hearts and minds. If you are dealing with a secularist, you may need to come at them from a secular perspective to make much headway. That and prayers that they will see the truth when it is presented to them.

Lisa N
Hello Lisa N, I did not make a statement that you were concern about the remarks. Jesus did not change his phrase to his apostles when he said you must eat my body and drink my blood. I do not label people secular or any of those other so called categories out there. A person is either doing the right thing or the wrong thing, Good or bad, either knowledgeable or not. I strongly believe that in the eyes of God you are either going to listen to him or not… You make the choice, He makes the final decision. peace to you always
  1. Cancer and many other disorders can have genetic causes.
  2. In response to Tlaloc: While perhaps the Scriptures do not explicitly condemn homosexual behavior (given your explanation of the Leviticus passage), I propose another Scripture based argument:

P1: All sexual behavior outside of marriage is wrong.
P2: The only marriage provided for in Scripture is heterosexual marriage.​

Conclusion: Therefore, all homosexual behavior is wrong, for none of it occurs within the bounds of marriage.
The fact that people also choose to be bisexual seems relevant to me. If people can go both ways doesn’t that represent choice? Some go only one way, if we say it is genetic then we say it is a disease. If we say it is the mind then we must conclude its mental or perhaps mental illness. People also have chosen be with animals is this genetic?

I knew a gay guy who said he was gay his whole life yet had the occasional dream about women. He found this most odd and contemplated his orientation. Yet he stayed true to the course of homosexuality. It is a matter of the mind in my opinion I think anybody can choose to have any kind of sexuality they want. If gay people want answers they should look at what needs are being filled deep down by being gay. These ‘issues’ are about more than sex. I dont judge gay people I feel people do things all the time that are much much worse. I must however say that homosexuality is contrary to nature and forces a person not to reproduce. Anything else that would prevent this would be considered a medical condition in need of cure.

Many of us have been raised to believe a straight person somehow becomes a queer. But as I get older I really wonder. Could it be an abnormality in their genetic makeup? You can’t say they have a warped brain, because many gays are very intelligent. What do you think?
How many times must I explain this to you people???

Fact: We are made in the image & likeness of God.

Fact: God does not make mistakes.

Fact: God’s law forbids homosexual relations.

If a person claims to be homosexual they are in fact saying that God made them that way.

Why would God, THE God of Love create a person or persons one way & then go & change the rules on them?? That’s like saying that a person is born with the tendency to be a theif or a murderer.

God DOES NOT make us sinners, we’ve made ourselves sinners by disobedience & following our own desires.

How hard is this to comprehend people???
Prometheum_x said:
1) Cancer and many other disorders can have genetic causes.
  1. In response to Tlaloc: While perhaps the Scriptures do not explicitly condemn homosexual behavior (given your explanation of the Leviticus passage), I propose another Scripture based argument:

P1: All sexual behavior outside of marriage is wrong.
P2: The only marriage provided for in Scripture is heterosexual marriage.​

Conclusion: Therefore, all homosexual behavior is wrong, for none of it occurs within the bounds of marriage.

Oh but yes indeed the scriptures do condemn homosexual behavior. And if we were to live our lives as they did back then, every man and woman involved in this type of activety would have been put to death, that is according to scriptures. St Paul in the new testiment also condemns it. Although today as Christ had put it, we are to forgive people of their sins so he to can forgive us of ours. The reason I see behind this issue is that in time Jesus knows that many will soon realize their mistakes and change for the better. Patiance
Dj Roy Albert:
How many times must I explain this to you people???

Fact: We are made in the image & likeness of God.

Fact: God does not make mistakes.

Fact: God’s law forbids homosexual relations.

If a person claims to be homosexual they are in fact saying that God made them that way.

Why would God, THE God of Love create a person or persons one way & then go & change the rules on them?? That’s like saying that a person is born with the tendency to be a theif or a murderer.

God DOES NOT make us sinners, we’ve made ourselves sinners by disobedience & following our own desires.

How hard is this to comprehend people???
That is quite easy to comprehend.
Only your conclusion is wrong.

Fact: We are made in the image & likeness of God. That is right

Fact: God does not make mistakes. That is right

Fact: God’s law forbids homosexual relations. That is wrong

And that makes your whole conclusion faulty.

Please tell me where God’s law forbids homosexual relations? (hey, church law does, maybe we can agree on that one!)

That is quite easy to comprehend.
Only your conclusion is wrong.

Fact: We are made in the image & likeness of God. That is right

Fact: God does not make mistakes. That is right

Fact: God’s law forbids homosexual relations. That is wrong

And that makes your whole conclusion faulty.

Please tell me where God’s law forbids homosexual relations? (hey, church law does, maybe we can agree on that one!)

Be careful on using the word wrong. To help guide you in the right spiritual direction I will ask you to read Leviticus chptr 18 verse 22. If you do not have a bible handy, here is what it states ; You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination. Yes, you can disagree still saying that the old laws do not apply to todays life and the new testament. Again you would need to read in the new testament in Matthew chptr 5 verses 17thru 20. Jesus makes it clear that he did not come here to destroy the Laws given us by the Holy Spirit thru Moses. Ihope this helps you out in redirecting your way of thinking. If you are involved in such a sin, it is not late to change your ways. Jesus had not changed the rule of repentance. Ask for forgiveness from the heart and you shall be foregiven. Be firm on your sorrow. Peace to you and God bless
Here is another note from the new testament that will help guide those of you in a better direction. Mark chptr 9 verses 6 thru 9. It reads; But from the begining of creation God made them male amd female. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ Therefore now they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder.

Do not think that you can not be foregiven. The Lord has the power and will to foregive all who repent. Matthew chptr 12 verses 31 thru 37.
Be careful on using the word wrong. To help guide you in the right spiritual direction I will ask you to read Leviticus chptr 18 verse 22. If you do not have a bible handy, here is what it states ; You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination. Yes, you can disagree still saying that the old laws do not apply to todays life and the new testament. Again you would need to read in the new testament in Matthew chptr 5 verses 17thru 20. Jesus makes it clear that he did not come here to destroy the Laws given us by the Holy Spirit thru Moses. Ihope this helps you out in redirecting your way of thinking. If you are involved in such a sin, it is not late to change your ways. Jesus had not changed the rule of repentance. Ask for forgiveness from the heart and you shall be foregiven. Be firm on your sorrow. Peace to you and God bless
OK, i read that Leviticus chapter again and my whole bacon cheeseburger and shrimp salad stuck in my throat when i realized i wore linen trousers and a cotton shirt, but at least i had forgotten to shave that morning, so my visit at the hairdresser yesterday might not be a mortal sin!
So many abominations in one single moment, shudder!

OK, i read that Leviticus chapter again and my whole bacon cheeseburger and shrimp salad stuck in my throat when i realized i wore linen trousers and a cotton shirt, but at least i had forgotten to shave that morning, so my visit at the hairdresser yesterday might not be a mortal sin!
So many abominations in one single moment, shudder!

That is why I proposed an alternative Scriptural argument. I do not have the Scriptural prowess to convincingly make a distinction between homosexual acts and improper shaving habits.
OK, i read that Leviticus chapter again and my whole bacon cheeseburger and shrimp salad stuck in my throat when i realized i wore linen trousers and a cotton shirt, but at least i had forgotten to shave that morning, so my visit at the hairdresser yesterday might not be a mortal sin!
So many abominations in one single moment, shudder!

Werner your lack of Biblical scholarship is quite evident. There is much more than the one Leviticus chapter with respect to homosexuality. Paul had a few things about it as well.

With respect to the dietary laws, Jesus was pretty clear that what goes into a man is not the problem, but what comes out of him (such as perverted sexual acts) IS a problem. The new covenant does not require following the dietary and other procedural laws in the Hebrew Bible. Further no more circumcision. Did you miss that little disconnect with those specifics?

Lisa N
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