Well-known member
Hey,lighten up! St. Francis chose to do it and it worked. Anyway, back in his day, a LOT of silly things were happening-not as many as today, of course, but still…Sorry, the whole story just seems silly, in my opinion. Sounds more like myth and fantasy than reality. So the Pope wouldn’t pay attention to Francis, told him sarcastically to jump in a pigsty, which conveniently happened to be near by to be witnessed by the Pope? (or the Pope heard about it word of mouth?), and because Francis seemingly couldn’t discern sarcasm, then the Pope listened to him? Some would think such poor judgement would be more reason not to listen. We are known by our fruits. If our fruit is that we can’t discern sarcasm, and it leads us to do something foolish like jump in a pigsty, how is that good fruit, or evidence of God working in us?
Stories like this may encourage others to view the Catholic Church as a cult. Is there a stone marker where the pigsty was so people can make pilgrimages?
Look at the whole of St. Francis’ life. On balance, it was very positive. What is the funniest thing remembered about your life? Even if embarassing, what if it brought about a much greater good and lead to increasing humility? Win-Win, don’t you think?
Anyway, our faith is so MUCH bigger than a few (or even a few thousand) such incidents. Draw back and look at the big picture. A faith that originated with the humble, woodworking Savior being falsely accused, sold out by one of his hand-picked team, wrongly put to death, scandalized by the suicide of the traitor, and whose leaders left the Holy Land for Gentile territory. Wasn’t there was big Divine thumbs up all through this?
The peace of Christ be with you all.