While I try to be reasonably friendly and “hospitable” at Church, I was also taught that too much focus on “hospitality” is taking the focus off Jesus, which is what we are supposed to be concerning ourselves with while we are at Church.
Also, as someone who is not terribly outgoing socially unless I know a person well, I resent the idea that I’m expected to be running around putting on my fake “social” persona when I am going to Church to be with my Lord. I am fine with holding the door for somebody, smiling, saying “Nice day”, general pleasantries I would exchange in a grocery store, but if you want me to act like I’m at a cocktail party and run around yakking it up with people, that’s a big distraction from what I’m there to do, which is WORSHIP THE LORD.
On top of that, there are a lot of other people who feel the same as I do and do not want someone they don’t know barging on them when they’re trying to pray. How am I supposed to know who wants to be social and who doesn’t? If I go to Coffee and Donuts afterwards, or to a K of C spaghetti dinner, or to a Bible study, I assume people want to be social because they voluntarily entered a socialization event, so I too am social there, but just walking into Mass, I have no idea what people want. And I myself generally want to be left alone.
I see that some parishes have designated “greeters” who say hello and seem to try to reach out to people who want to chat, etc. That’s fine, that’s a ministry, those people feel called to it. I am not called to it. I am starting to get very frustrated with people who push this issue because it’s another one of those, “I think it’s important so everybody should agree with me” types of viewpoints, to me, and a huge disrespect of the preferences of people who may not want to be as social at church.