Unfortunately I think a big problem is the words we are using. “Gender” decades ago used to just be a concept in grammar but eventually became a substitute for the word “sex” meaning male or female. Nowadays gender is often used in a different way than meaning the biological sex of a person. We are almost all born either male or female with a tiny, tiny percentage of people who are born with intersex issues but the majority of those are clearly mostly demonstrating secondary sexual characteristics of a certain sex. We now have chromosome tests that can be done on newborn establishing which sex they are. There is no such thing as a biological sex “spectrum” of people.
In the past without chromosomal testing drs and parents had to make educated guesses as to an intersex baby’s biological sex and they would be “assigned” a sex at birth, that unfortunately sometimes turned out to be wrong. This does not happen any more but transgender ideology has picked up the vocabulary from past intersex conditions and now they describe EVERYONE as being “assigned a gender” at birth. This is clearly nonsense, noone is standing in the delivery room with a clipboard randomly assigning babies as a boy or girl. All they are doing is recording the biological sex of the baby which was decided at conception.
The word gender now doesn’t mean an alternative (maybe more puritanical for those shy to say sex) word for biological sex. These days it describes the roles the society we are born into ascribes to us on the BASIS of our biological sex. So sex stereotypes in other words. So baby boys are expected to be boisterous, active, mischievous etc. While girls are quieter, placid and feminine (remember I am describing stereotypes!).
So trans people have an ideology that if your personality doesn’t fit the stereotype, if you are a very feminine man, for example, you should change your body with hormones and surgery. Or maybe not go that far but still transition socially and call yourself a woman.
This is against Catholic teaching but unfortunately some Catholic communities can be among the worst for not accepting very feminine boys and very masculine girls.