Is it acceptable for a Transgender Person to be a Communion Server?

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If anyone serves communion in a sin state, will the Holy Spirit use them as a vessel to change bread and wine to the Body & Blood of Jesus?
To believe that the sins of a priest have effect on the validly of the Sacraments is to embrace the heresy of Donatism

However, a priest and an EMHC are two different things.

A priest is necessary for the Mass. An EMHC is not.
This parish likely has a multitude of EMHCs and not too many priests.
Gender dysphoria is a thing. It’s surprising how few people know about it.
Gender dysphoria is where a person feels extreme distress towards their gender. Sometimes it can get really bad, like this population has a high risk of suicide because it is depressing to feel like your entire gender is a mistake. I personally think therapy might be a good shot, but sometimes therapy doesn’t help, and physically/socially transitioning is the only way to help them feel better about themselves.
It’s not about being a very “feminine” boy or whatever. I’m a very androgynous girl, physically and mentally, but I’m still very much a girl. I’m not non-binary because I’m androgynous.
Dear Dignum,
That is the point! A priest abusing children IS COMMITTING MORTAL SIN! Do you think, a sinful priest, in this area is concerned about RULES? He is not concerned for his own soul. If a priest is serving communion, in mortal sin, has the Holy Spirit been able to use him, for transubstantiation?
Thank you
To believe that the sins of a priest have effect on the validly of the Sacraments is to embrace the heresy of Donatism

Right, During this time, St. Augustine (354-430) was the great champion of true Catholic teaching. In his In Ioannis evangelium tractatus , he forcefully distinguished the action of Christ versus the action of the minister when performing a sacrament: Christ acts by His power, while the minister acts by his ministry entrusted to him, by Christ. Therefore, “…those whom Judas baptized, Christ baptized. So too, then, those whom a drunkard baptized, those whom a murderer baptized, those whom an adulterer baptized, if the Baptism was of Christ, Christ baptized” (5,18).
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Lots of fallible Churchmen involved responsible for many of the problems we see today but thankfully they are not “the Church.”
(a) all humans are fallible, so that’s not much of a condemnation
(b) it is, indeed, “the Church” that allows Extraordinary Ministers. You don’t have to like it, you don’t have to receive from them. But the Church allows them.
At least know the history of what you’re talking about and don’t deny it. The Universal Norm of the Roman Catholic Church is to receive on the tongue.
I didn’t deny anything. However, Communion in the hand IS allowed.
For the United States –
"Those who receive Communion may receive either in the hand or on the tongue, and the decision should be that of the individual receiving, not of the person distributing Communion."

If you’d like the guidelines for other countries, I’m sure google can be of assistance.
Well, Donalism or not, the church is supporting God still using a priest in a serious soul taking sin to sanctify His communion? I know we are all sinners saved by grace. Unless he confesses & goes right into mass, sins would still be on board.
It’s convenient for Him to use the priest w sin. It’s easier to see His using,our imperfect selves in everything,but child molestation. Repentance wasn’t on their minds.
It is as God so wills.
Reminds me why I’ll never receive Communion from anyone but a priest, though even they aren’t above reproach.
I do take the Precious Blood from a EMHC because they’re the only ones giving it, but as far as the Host, I too, will only receive from a priest or deacon - preferably a priest.
Thank you. I’m not sure what your premise was? “The church says the priests can be murdered & still give valid communion? “
I hope their right because 848 priests are defrocked & ~1200 are sentenced to prayer & penance. That’s 2000 priests giving communion. Plus just over 1000 are still working…Chasity is good for them??
Thank you again
Judgements are saying someone is going to heaven or hell. No one has said that. Endless speculation will go on till they close the thread. We have completed all possible thoughts. Going back to scripture God stated acceptable life styles for our spirits that are dragging around w our DNA. God calls for order & acceptance of how He created us. We are called to love everyone but not their sins! I didn’t make sins up. They’re in the Bible. It doesn’t change as far as message. Political Correctness isn’t in the Bible.
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