Is it acceptable for a Transgender Person to be a Communion Server?

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Like going through surgeries and hormone therapies?
Or transitioning as in just cross dressing?
We don’t really know I guess.
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I’ve never mentioned celibacy. It’s a nonissue here and I’d appreciate not having words put in my mouth.
Didn’t mean to put words in your mouth. My point is we don’t know the situation. I understand what it looks like. But talks of scandal & even sin at this point is premature.
This will turn out o be a mental condition that can be treated w hormones for your natural body, anti-depressants to stabilize the attitude & counseling to line the mind up w the body.
That is an opinion. It is not the teaching of the Church.
His hands and feet are not delicate.
Neither are mine. The cosmetic appearance of hands and feet have no bearing on the conversation.
He/she has a football neck.
This is simply cruel.

Honestly, those of us with less than model perfect bodies are in no less way God’s precious creations.
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It is a pastor’s prerogative to decide who may be commissioned for such service to the community in accordance with Church regulations and local norms. Any pastor should enjoy the presupposition of having exercised right judgment in screening and commissioning individuals within his own parish.
Maybe some, BUT being able to hold Jesus & Shake Him or throw Him across the room, would be important. I’m laughing here. WHY? B/c I was in. a wedding party. The priest was giving communion. He had Parkinson’s Disease. He was shaking the whole time. He raised Jesus higher, my head tilted up. He lowered Jesus to my neck, shaking. I lowered my open mouth w tongue hanging out down. Then, he slowly shook Jesus up near my mouth & lunged for the opening. I wasn’t laughing then. I was trying to help him & not have Jesus land on the floor.
BUT AFTER, if you could picture my head starting to shake in rhythm, too, it is hilarious.
So, physically, the spastic movements could throw our Lord, down the aisle. Is the person controlled w meds?! Cool. Is he mild form & doesn’t swear MFGD words while helping w communion?? It’s not Toursettes that negates Him, it is his functional capabilities.
I’ve been thinking a lot, about this transgender & homosexual situation. I will love everyone. God loves us all, but not our sins. Political correctness has some of us believing we accept all things!
We love all things. We do not accept sin.
You all will love this!!! Who is allowed to have sex?? ONLY MARRIED PPL FOR PROCREATION!!!
Think about that! Don’t tell me, it’s unrealistic to be chaste from birth to death! It’s not. Before the sexual revolution, a young girl was virtuous till married, most times. I did! I’m married 51 yrs. We’re at the end of our seasons. One man. In older years, less to none. I’m not running out finding some stud muffin.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. …
We sort of forget self-Control…Actually, we have returned to primitive man w our baser nature.
Romance & Love are here. It gets buried under Lust w the goal for creating a long, explosive exercise. When young, we didn’t need equipment or timers. We have made,Marital Union in Love, into a free for all, sex exercise. It is a little god now…
We’ve lost much, & we didn’t notice it was slipping away.
Homosexuality is a sin! I have family, I love who are homosexual. I love them. They are suppose to be chaste.
Transgender! If you can’t feel the Evil in that, I’m sorry. Having same sex attraction is real! How to fix it and challenge it, is the issue. To think you’re DNA is wrong is stupid above all natural law! How you fix it and challenge it, is the issue. Go look up YOUTUBE. Search transgender reversals…
One transgender psychologist, found out after his surgery & degree, it’s a psychological problem to be treated w meds & counseling. Suicide rates are the same. What have we done, showing God’s love
w/o limits! God stopped loving Lucifer. OR if He still loves him, HE HAS NO FELLOWSHIP W HIM!
That’s what we all face, if we don’t follow God’s laws. IF YOU LOVE ME, YOU WILL KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS.
Speak to the priest see what he says and then just maybe go into a different line to another server if you still feel uncomfortable. I would hate to think of you leaving your parish community over this. If all this is not possible just try to focus on why you’re there: to receive the Eucharist. I don’t mean to offend anyone and am not comparing the clerical abuse issue to transgender folk, but think about the number of priests and bishops who have been secretly up to no good and you may well have received the Body and Blood from their hands also. The sacrament is the important bit and it’s still valid. Maybe you could offer up your feelings of discomfort for the Holy Souls. Xx
Reminds me why I’ll never receive Communion from anyone but a priest, though even they aren’t above reproach.
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Now, My body isn’t like it should be. I’m not 19yo anymore. Cruel!!! Truthful fact. I’m coming out speaking truth. We have been hypnotized w Political Correctness! There is Evil! We should not have believed science, to change homosexuality from a perversion, to a natural sex choice. Souls are being lost. What good has occurred since Homosexuality was placed in a normal vein.
First-no prayer in school. Second, Pornography is FREE SPEECH! Third-Homosexuality is normal. 4-TRANSGENDER MUTILATION. ( even if the surgeon, is an artist & all is beautiful, it’s mutilation.)
Jesus doesn’t love Lucifer! If He does, He cancelled fellowship w Satan.
Seek ye first, THE KINGDOM OF GOD… Not our sexual fantasies. Plus, aren’t we suppose to be chaste x married!!
God open our eyes to free us from temptations that pull us from fellowship w You. In Jesus name
Oh true! That brings a question!! If a priest, is in the state of sin, can he be a vessel of the Holy Spirit changing the bread to the Body of Christ?
Celibacy is not being married, I was told. Being chaste is living without sex.
I would offer this thought, I just posted for sinful priests. If anyone serves communion in a sin state, will the Holy Spirit use them as a vessel to change bread and wine to the Body & Blood of Jesus?
May we all pray for chastity of Body & purity of mind. In Jesus name
I got lost somewhere along the way.

Has the OP verified this person is transgender?
No. Of course not.

We also don’t know if this person has had surgery, or is just a guy in a dress.

But that won’t stop the endless speculation and judgementalism…
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The state of a priest’s soul has no efficacy on the validity sacraments though it is illicit for him to offer them in a state of mortal sin.
Am I wrong to feel this way?
I would say that you are right because the Bible says:
A man’s item shall not be on a woman, and a man shall not wear a woman’s garment; whoever does such a thing is an abomination unto the Lord your God.
— Deuteronomy 22:5
So what? The sacred species should probably not be handled by anyone other than a priest.
First-no prayer in school.
Topic for another conversation, so, just a bit.

In the US every student or teacher or staffer is free to pray in school. What cannot happen is the school cannot force prayer. For example, the Baptist teacher cannot stand and make the Jewish children pray a Baptist prayer, the Pentecostal principal cannot make the Catholic kids pray a non-Catholic prayer, the Catholic lunch lady cannot make the Baptist kids pray the Rosary, the Lutheran coach cannot make the Muslim kid pray the Lutheran prayers. As it should be, if we parents want our school to be a parochiral school we will send our kids to the religious school of our choice. Government schools are religiously neutral, as it should be.
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