Saints’ viewpoints were indeed colored by their personal experiences. St. Augustine is another one who was really into celibacy. Looking at his wild life of sin before he settled down and started living a holy life, it’s understandable. Sex to him was a highway to hell, not something where people helped each other to heaven.
On the other hand, we have had quite a few saints who were married, some happily, some unhappily. Some of them did their saintly activities while married and others adopted a holy lifestyle after they were widowed. St. Monica, St. Bridget of Sweden, St. John the Almoner, St. Thomas More, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Rita of Cascia, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, and Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin were all married, and they were not in celibate marriages because they all had kids.
Having said that, I am willing to accept that celibacy, of the type embraced by priests and religious and others who consecrate themselves, deserves honor and glory because the person is willingly giving up an earthly pleasure to put their mind on God.
But there’s a place in the world for marriage too, because otherwise, we would run out of people to love and serve God. Let’s also not forget all the Old Testament patriarchs and prophets who had wives and huge families as a blessing from God, and all the women in the Bible right up to St. Elizabeth who the Lord blessed by giving them a child. Except for the Blessed Mother, every one of those women who had a child got this blessing from God in the usual, un-celibate manner.