The other option is that the person presenting the argument/rationale is wrong. It does happen.
I suppose it depends on the potential effect of the original argument. If someone is arguing with what they believe is reason for a result that would compromise, say, the safety of one’s child, then it’s not unreasonable to expect a stronger and more emotional response.I don’t see why an invalid argument would warrant a strong, negative, emotional response any more than a valid argument. Simply explaining faulty reasoning will suffice.
Nor do I. But I’ve noticed a bizarre and deeply disturbing trend of men arguing that they have some authority over women based on their maleness.Sarcastic or not, I don’t take it seriously.
More seriously, though, to quote Homer, “Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand.”You’re funny!
I would say that women tend to be (on average) more concrete thinkers and more interested in the here and now.
Which Homer are we talking about here?You’re funny!
I would say that women tend to be (on average) more concrete thinkers and more interested in the here and now.
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Different but not inferior. Studies have shown men and women both have the same average IQ, women just have smaller distribution whereas men have wider distribution (more at low and high end of scale)Infact, scientifically speaking too, lack of Y, the master switch chromosome, necessarily make them different if not inferior to men.
Minkowski space? That sounds like linear algebra. I hate linear algebra!Now let’s talk about Minkowski space and the Poincare upper half plane. That’s what we women like to talk about.
They had you at spaces?More like non-Euclidean hyperbolic geometry.
I’m fascinated with general relativity.
I love linear algebra too by the way.