I am finding it increasingly worrisome that Traditional Catholicism is being subsumed by a Pharisee spirit. Let me make my position clear from the off, there ought to be no left (“liberal”) or right (“traditional”) wings of the Church. Truth is Truth. However they make useful classifications, for the sake of argument. And they do help to distinguish between the forces behind the ebbs and flows of Catholic thought. In this context, Traditionals are those who for example who enjoy Latin Mass.
I don’t think this is a fair or useful way of expressing a concern. You have offered no specifics here except that everyone (?) who enjoys the Latin Mass is being subsumed by a Pharisee spirit? Obviously, you mean “certain individuals” are doing something that bothers you. But why pick on this group of people? Aren’t there people in every group that sin?
However, rejection of VII, the New Mass, and ultimately the embodying a spirit of insubordination is what seems to have consumed a considerable portion of Traditional Catholics (at least online). This is being exacerbated by the proliferation of social media charlatans, so prevalent in this space.
This is a very sweeping judgement about people. I think it actually is against CAF rules. We shouldn’t claim that a group of Catholics are involved in sin - while exempting everyone else.
This is why I am so grateful that we have CA. We should not take this community for granted. Having Tim Staples at the helm of CA Apologetics, is no small matter. I think this is one of the main reasons CA remains a such a great and level headed source of knowledge amidst SO MUCH noise out there at the moment.
Is Tim Staples free from sin? Is he holier than everyone else? I understand what you mean - you like Tim’s style better than others, or you like the topics he talks about. But let’s not throw condemnations widly around at people who attend Latin Masses. If there are attitudes that need to be corrected, there is a better way to do it.
I apologise if this comes across as a rant but I hope others might share their views too. Hopefully I am not too off beam with this!
I know what you’re getting at but I do not think this is the right way to address it. You’re pointing your finger at – just about anyone at all and the charge is certain attitudes that we can’t evaluate.
The goal is to understand others - help them. If someone has done something wrong, help to correct it. Or, maybe we can learn from others, even if we don’t like them.
Maybe traditionalists point out issues that we do not like to think about - so we attack them?
Have we considered that many who attend Latin Masses have made many sacrifices and suffered a lot of persecution just to have those Masses permitted in their diocese? It has not been an easy road - there has been (and still is) opposition all the way.
Let’s be kind to others, even when we might not like their personality.
if there is a sin - we have our own sins also, don’t we?