I have seen recruitment here to the TLM, trying to get other Catholics to leave their Mass for it. Is there not some excessive elevation of the appearance over substance inherent in trying to get another to leave Jesus for Jesus?
It is not merely that we go and have Jesus present and that He comes to us. No - we must also offer Him fitting worship. That is our task. We want the best - not for ourselves, but for Him. For many of us, the TLM offers Him the best we have. It is serious and ordered. It speaks of His passion and death and brings us into a deeper awareness of our own frailty and dependency on Him. It is a time of silence and contemplation. Many OF parishes do not offer this kind of spiritual experience and it is a radically different approach. Jesus is the same, but we offer Him something completely different.
Most of us have no choice. There is no TLM. In obedience, we go to the local parish. We accept what is offered on our behalf by the priest and the leadership. We give our best - no matter what the Mass is like. That is admirable and a holy attitude. Many of us love the OF in our parish. That should not be demeaned. I think it is a sin to demean people for loving the Holy Mass in their parish. Many are new Catholics joining the Church - they embrace whatever Mass, whatever church building, whatever priest that God has given them. That is a beautiful thing. It should never be ridiculed or hated - as yes, some traditionalists do this and it is very wrong.
Those who go on an on about how the TLM is better and the OF is bad - are wrong to do that. In their essences, two valid liturgies cannot be compared with one better one worse. Because it is a philosophical principle: You cannot compare infinite entities. The Mass is an infinite entity. I mean, in its essence. But in it’s practice, we can prefer one to the other. The Church has permitted this.
However, it is important to remember that these things or only means. They mustn’t be confused with the end, which is Jesus.
But we require means to reach the end. To say that “it doesn’t matter what the means are, just focus on Jesus” is to say that the means are unnecessary. That’s kind of Protestant. We don’t need the Church or doctrine or liturgy - just go to Jesus. But the Catholic Faith gives us solid, good means of going towards Jesus and gaining greater union with Him. Personal prayer, spiritual reading, preaching, sacrifice and mortification, sharing the Faith with others, good works … all of these we can do - traditionalists or not. We can do them on our own or together. It could be the same (although reading modernists works or doing charity for pro-abortion causes, etc would not work).
But our liturgy is a communal prayer - binding us together and to God.
I believe you are right about an important factor:
“In the old days” - a Catholic could go to any Mass in any Church throughout the world and it was the same. Same language, same ritual. Now, however, it’s wildly and radically different We cannot expect people just to accept this without some major problem.