Is it OK to use "psychics" in wartime?

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Exporter said:
So who are you talking to KW? We are not psychics!

I knew you would respond!
In one,“An Excorcist Tells His Story”, he says the demon said once that he would rather be in hell that to be near Our Lady.
I have not read this book, but he is right. One time when the enemy spoke through the woman and telephoned me I would use scripture as a defense and one time I used the one about Mary. The one where Mary will crush the head of the serpent…talk about wailing and screaming and obscenities…I would hang up and my cheeks were red for the rest of the night. My pastor asked me if I was in pain…(I do have big cheeks, so it was quite noticeable!) I played dumb…

St Michael’s Prayer

Saint Michael defend us in Battle. Be our safegaurd against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do though, oh prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, Cast down satan, and all his evil spirits who wander now through out the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

For those people who attack Our Lady from various fronts (usually they are Protestants) if they could hear what demons say about Mary they would change their tune. If the demons would rather be in hell than to confront St. Mary that would mean that what Catholics say about St. Mary IS true.
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