And Charles Martel, and King Baldwin IV, and John III Sobieski, and St. Louis, and St. Joan, and Pope Julius II…
All devout Catholics.
All devout Catholics.
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My gun sits in an unlocked drawer, loaded and ready. What’s the point of having it for self defense if I have to tell the shooter to hold on while I load?. If you are keeping a hand gun by your bedside, fine enough, but are you going to leave the thing unloaded; likely not? If you keep it unloaded, how close (or locked up) are you keeping the ammo? Those prone to things like suicide or curious kids will put 2 and 2 together.
Of course not. If only good people had guns then we wouldn’t need them for self defense. We have guns because the bad guys have them too. We can’t guarantee that only good people will own them. That’s silly.. If you are a strong proponent of public carry, have you considered that coming to the table with effective solutions towards making sure only “good” people own guns would give you some moral impunity?
Not matter my opinion and the statistics behind it, that’s your choice and right.My gun sits in an unlocked drawer, loaded and ready. What’s the point of having it for self defense if I have to tell the shooter to hold on while I load?
If I’m gone and the kids are alone, why would I not want them to be able to defend themselves if needed?So long as they are not laying around and kids cant get ahold of them.
If there were enough police in the UK, then I might agree with you. In the last eleven years as a Street Pastor, we have witnessed many fights when there have been no police around. We have the freedom to walk away, or we can try and bring about some kind of peaceful resolution; which means walking in the middle of conflict.Still, I wouldn’t advise anyone who isn’t armed and in a position of authority to approach such people and make demands.
It’s a matter best handled by the Police.