Hello Arte.
Well Arte, I wouldn’t have a problem with your statements except your religion is listed as Catholic. You have renounced Original sin which has double effect: it also renounces your Baptism and I think you are probably a young person and don’t realize the gravity of what you are doing, but it can and probably will have eternal consequences for you. That is your choice. I can only feel sorry for you. I can pray you change your mind but it seems that your preference for Scriptures will lead you down the road to full blown Protestant and smug about it. Oh well. Again your choice.
While you are at it, can you tell us what other of our Catholic beliefs you really don’t believe?
I’ve cut down your post to a few serious points. First, you cuss God for creating you and others because as you predict, “the vast majority of mankind is going to end up in hell.” Another major fault, that of utterly judging all of mankind and despairing of God’s saving graces poured out upon the Cross. You cuss your own life with “it would have been more gratuitous and moral not to create us!” also a valid excuse used quite often to justify one’s person choices of contraception I might add. The babies are better off not being made or dying early so they are spare this horrible life, right? You’re calling God immoral. THAT IS CURSING GOD, which is a blasphemy. Then you say that Christianity’s beliefs are ridiculous. You’ve renounced Original sin, and that means your own Baptism to wash it away and it gets worse. You say we are descended from apes and that we should get over it.Given that the vast majority of mankind is going to end up in hell, I fail to see why God’s creation of us is utterly gratuitous. It would have been more gratuitous and moral not to create us! I do not believe in original sin. The mere thought of its consequences on babies and mankind rippling through time is completely immoral…I have read some ridiculous beliefs in other religions and Christianity’s belief in original sin is just as ridiculous. You descended from an ape like creature – get over it…I can see where you are going now with cI would hope that we all learn something from this forum. I most certainly have including learning from your posts. Our religious positions do need to be challenged so that we can evangelise more effectively.
Well Arte, I wouldn’t have a problem with your statements except your religion is listed as Catholic. You have renounced Original sin which has double effect: it also renounces your Baptism and I think you are probably a young person and don’t realize the gravity of what you are doing, but it can and probably will have eternal consequences for you. That is your choice. I can only feel sorry for you. I can pray you change your mind but it seems that your preference for Scriptures will lead you down the road to full blown Protestant and smug about it. Oh well. Again your choice.
While you are at it, can you tell us what other of our Catholic beliefs you really don’t believe?